Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Pantry Cooking

I thought I'd start my post with this hilarious picture I got of Animal yesterday. She was just lounging and letting it all hang out! I would say at this point she's back to 100%. She has been super playful, and I think she's just so happy to be feeling better!
I don't have quite as much rice as I do opened bags of pasta, but I do have several kinds of rice floating around in my cupboard. I had enough sushi rice to make a few rolls, and a half an avocado that needed to be used, so hello breakfast sushi! This is now two times in a row I have successfully made sushi rolls! I swear it's the meditation.
My allergies have been going BANANAS for about two weeks or so. I'm allergic to something that exists in early spring, because that's the only time I'm miserable. I think it's the cherry blossom trees, because as soon as those beautiful flowers disappear, I'm fine. I've never been tested, I'm just guessing. Anyway, my eyes burn and water, my nose gets runny, and I end up getting the headache of all headaches. Yesterday was a really bad day, so I needed an easy dinner. What could be easier and cheaper than beans and rice? I found this recipe, and I followed it almost exactly. I lowered the amount of oil to one teaspoon, and I sauteed a jalapeno along with the onion and garlic. I really love this dish, which is  good because it made A LOT! The rice is fluffy and seasoned perfectly. And man did my apartment smell good while this was cooking! I had a big bowl with a couple of warmed up flour tortillas, and some hot sauce. It was super easy to make, and it hit the spot.
I made a breakfast burrito this morning with some of the rice and beans, and a little daiya wrapped in a flour tortilla, and crisped up in the oven. Yum. I still have quite a bit leftover. This would be a dish I would serve to people who think vegan food is expensive, or if it isn't expensive it must be boring and bland. This is a super inexpensive dish that could feed many, and it is really tasty, and definitely not boring.
I also wanted to mention that sometime this week you might want to keep your eyes open at Target for some new Hampton Creek(makers of Just Mayo) products. Like ranch dressing, and the elusive cookie dough. I've been wondering if some of their other products were ever going to be seen by the masses. I also came across this article, mentioning products I didn't even know were coming! Cookies, scrambles, more vegan cheese, it's just so exciting! Hampton Creek seems to have really good relationships with a lot of big retailers, and businesses that aren't only vegan, or vegan at all. And, offering affordable prices seems to be very important to them, so that all equals mainstream appeal. Huge score for the animals, HUGE! I know for sure that I will continue to support and try all of their new products.
Happy Wednesday!


  1. So relieved Animal is feeling better.

    The Sushi looks professional. Great job!

    I am so hopeful the Hampton Creek products make it down here. I miss Just Mayo.

    1. Thanks! I hope it does too. It seems like they are really intent on expanding, and then more expanding, so hopefully that means making it to you! I bet a lot of those restaurants and food trucks would love Just Mayo for some of their dishes!

  2. That looks like a happy cat!! Yay :))
    I'm very impressed with your sushi skills there.
    I swear rice and beans multiplies when you're not looking. One pot worth makes a freaking ton.

    I'm excited to see what the hampton creek people do next, i read an article about the founder a while back and love how he sees the future without animal products:)

    1. That's why I'm sometimes nervous to try new rice dishes, because when yo live alone, a ton of leftovers of a mediocre to bad dish is super annoying!
      I know, I find the founder of Hampton Creek to be very inspiring.

  3. Haha yes!!! Animal is too cute, I love that picture!! It immediately made me smile :) Your sushi skills are amazing, I'm jealous!

    My allergies have been raging lately too and I don't know exactly what is causing it either. In any case it's driving me nuts already and I have about another 8 months full of allergies to look forward to. Hope you feel better! At least the cherry blossoms are pretty?

    1. When I saw Animal laying like that I immediately cracked up, so I knew I had to share!
      Oh man, eight months, poor thing. This is miserable. It's like there are days where as soon as I walk outside my eyes are on fire. Then, when I get home the headache kicks in.
      The cherry blossoms are so beautiful, but at this point I feel like they're just giving me a very beautiful middle finger!

  4. You know how I LOVE pantry cooking! Nice job throwing things together!!!!!

    1. Thanks, I really love it too! Some of my favorite dishes have come from the pantry!

  5. I am excited about the vegan cheese and the scramble. I wonder if it will be low protein like the new Vegan Eggs by Follow Your Heart, or if it will be high protein like a tofu/soy based scramble?

    1. Maybe more high protein, but with pea protein? I don't know, it will be interesting to see if they use soy, since some companies avoid soy since it;s an allergen.


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