Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A Little of This, A little of That!

I got my hair kind of fixed yesterday. It involved getting even more hair cut, and I am definitely growing out the bangs, but it's a little more bearable. Thank gourd I have a lot of hair to grow, because I won't be sitting in a stylists chair anytime soon!
I stopped in the Barnes and Noble next to the mall to have a gander. It's been a long time since I've been in a Barnes and Noble. It's a bit overwhelming at first. My eyes had to adjust, like going in a movie theater.
I was surprised that the vegan section was lacking a little. They had a decent selection, but they were missing a lot from Isa Chandra Moskowitz, I didn't see any Terry Hope Romero books, and they were also missing a ton of Robin Robertson's books. I'm pointing those three out only because every bookstore or library I've been in, including some used bookstores have those authors, and they are just who comes to my mind when I think of vegan cookbooks. Anyway, I might go back someday and get Eat Like You Give A Damn by Josh Hooten and Michelle Shwegmann. It had some seriously drool-worthy pictures. The problem with me and cookbooks is that I like to get in the kitchen and throw a little of this, and a little of that together and see what happens. So, although I love recipes, in a weird way I feel like I'm doing an assignment or something when I follow a recipe. Also, I sometimes feel discouraged to try recipes when they serve 4, 6, or 8 people, and I am only one person. I am not someone who can eat exactly the same food over and over, and I feel stressed because I don't want to waste, and it's just a whole thing. I would rather spend twenty five dollars on food. But a lot of those cookbooks sure are beautiful works of art!
Target is across the street from the mall, so I stopped in to see if they had replenished their Ben&Jerry's, and they had! Yay no shortage! I had a coupon for a dollar off of a pint, and I picked up the coffee caramel fudge! I've heard really good things.
I am always really excited to see any kind of vegan caramel offering. I tried to make vegan caramel once, and it was seriously traumatic. It went from zero to almost burning down the neighborhood in like five seconds. And, even in Seattle I find vegan caramel to be as elusive as white chocolate. And I've heard the caramel in this is spot on, and as with their other flavors they are generous with the add ins.
It was raining and I was mopey, so of course I needed mashed potatoes and gravy. I made horseradish mashed potatoes this time. I was going to add kale at the last minute with my potatoes, and make Colcannon, which I have never made, but I forgot to add the kale. So, I added some parsley and chives for a little green. I was too full after this to even have any of the ice cream!
Happy Tuesday!


  1. I know what you mean about Barnes and Noble. Even the ones near me in NJ are kind-of low in the vegan cookbook departments. I THINK they try hard to only stock new things, so when the cookbook sells out (like Terry Hope Romero's newest cookbook) I think they stop stocking it. Probably has a lot to do with the fact they are competing with Amazon and their own website.

    1. You're probably right. It was just kind of disappointing to see so few choices in such a huge store. But I know Amazon really hurt bookstores. I was really surprised to not see Terry Hope Romero's new book. But I guess it's good that it sold out?

  2. I soooooo want some mashed potatoes right now!


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