Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Trader Joe's Thai Sweet Chili Veggie Burgers

Chunk was interested!

I finally got around to trying these yesterday. I found these at Trader Joe's a few weeks ago, and had to get them. Their vegetable masala burger is probably my favorite veggie burger ever. The first thing I noticed and greatly appreciated was that each burger is individually wrapped. I get stressed out when I have an open box of anything in the freezer for too long because that freezer taste is not pleasant. I baked my burger in the oven for between ten and fifteen minutes. It reminds me of the masala burger in that it is crisp on the outside, and soft and full of veggies on the inside. You can see and taste the pieces of potato, carrot, etc. You can also see the black and brown rice. I had mine sans bun, because I wanted to really taste this burger. Man, if you have had the masala burger and enjoyed it, you have to try this one. It has a little spice to it, but nothing major. I can taste garlic and also the sweet chili sauce, but I can also taste the veggies. It's pretty close to perfect if you ask me. They even have water chestnuts in them, which I love. In my pregan days, morningstar farms original veggie burger was my fave of the frozen veggie burgers, and I remember I loved the crunch of the water chestnuts. This is the burger for people who love veggie burgers with veggies they can see, as opposed to the meatier burgers. I don't know which I prefer, this or the marsala? I guess I just have to say they are both my favorite, I can't choose! If you live near a Trader Joe's, I say run, don't walk to try these!
I had to bring back an old favorite, mash and gravy for dinner. It was a day when I felt like I needed a hug, so what does the person with no human to hug do? First, hug some cats, and second make mashed potatoes and gravy. Better than a lot of hugs I've had in my day.
The next three or four days are supposed to be absolutely perfect here in Seattle. Blue skies and upper sixties, maybe even seventy degrees! I need some consecutive sunny days soooooo badly! I need to replenish my vitamin D! I just love spring so much. I definitely plan on going to the new to me used bookstore I discovered, and hopefully I can get some pictures. I feel like they might even have some bookstore kitties. I always love that.
Happy Tuesday!


  1. Morning Star now has a few vegan burgers and they are pretty good. The ones I tried was a curried burger and the other is a qunioa burger. I thought that trader joe one wasn't vegan... at least that was what why I thought I didn't buy them when I saw them. Maybe I just wasn't feeling the burger thing that visit?

    1. I just doudle and triple checked, and although they don't say vegan, which is odd for Trader Joe's, they have no animal products. It even lists soy and wheat as allergens, nothing else. They are really tasty, if you like the masala burgers, you should give these a try! I'll have to keep an eye out for the MorningStar Farm vegan burgers, I always liked that brand in my vegetarian days.

    2. I just get Morning Star when they are on sale for a rainy day. My husband and I prefer homemade ones, plus he eats frozen burgers more than I do since his work eats out more and does office BBQs every so often.

    3. I like to have frozen veggie burgers on hand for when I can't be bothered to cook, or am in a hurry, or for when I crave a burger that's a little less healthy than a homemade one.

  2. Oh! OH! OHHHHHHH! I found two different Vegan Burgers at ALDI over the weekend! They are both new or at least new-here...one of them even said VEGAN BURGER on the front. Upon further review the 2nd burger was also vegan - it was a southwest black bean!!!

    1. I used to love shopping at Aldi! I love when the package says right in front vegan, it makes life so much easier. Did you try them, are they good?

    2. I tried one of them - they were pretty good! I have a thing with wanting to SEE the veggies IN the patty and the one I tried already you CAN see them! YAY!

  3. I know this post is late, but I bought the Thai veggie burgers from Aldi this past weekend and I love them! They taste soooo good.

    1. I bet the Aldi's burgers are the Trader Joe's in different packaging because they're both owned by the same company. Aren't they delicious!


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