Friday, March 18, 2016

Bad Hair, Good News!

So, I got the salt lamp, or in this case candle holders. My logic is this way I can have one in the bedroom and one in the living room. These are $14.99 which is wonderful. When I first read about these, I figured it was yet another natural, feel good thing that was not for people like me. Or, I guess I should say wallets like mine. I bought votive candles, and I should have bought tea lights. I am a lucky girl when I get to go to the mall twice in two days. (Dripping with sarcasm!) I also have to get my hair fixed. Never trust your hair to someone who's own hair leaves a lot to be desired. I look like a tool. I did get bangs, which was a terrible idea because now they are just there. I look like  I could be a female lead in Dumb and Dumber! And I don't mean as the hot female lead, I mean as a female dumber! So, hopefully something can be done to salvage this. And I didn't flash my coupon till after the cut, so it wasn't that.

Library haul

Luckily for me the library balanced out the mall madness. I feel claustrophobic as soon as I enter a mall. It's hard for me to believe I ever worked in one!
This is my new favorite smoothie, period. Pineapple juice, frozen mango, and spinach. It tastes sweet, and tropical and it makes me feel cheerful and happy when I drink it. Plus, I guess I did participate in St. Patrick's day!
I whipped up these veggie burgers last night with more cupboard stuff! I have a big bag of oatmeal, and to be honest oatmeal never satisfies me for breakfast. I have never been into sweet breakfasts, except for fruit on a hot summer day.  I like savory things in the morning. But, I bought this oatmeal because I always see beautiful oatmeal bowls on the webz, and I feel like I'm missing something. Anyway, I decided to use some of the oatmeal as a binder for these pinto bean burgers. It's just pinto and lentil beans, oatmeal, some roasted corn, a little salsa, and seasonings. These turned out pretty tasty, and I'm bummed I didn't write the recipe down. It was a spontaneous meal choice.
My delicious dessert. I would like to take a moment to notice some personal growth as a human being. There was a time not too long ago where I would have totally shoved the rest of this pint in my face to sooth myself over this chop job on my hair. But, not only did I not do it, I didn't even have the urge. I don't want to speak too soon, but I might just be done punishing myself! It feels pretty amazing.
Before I sign off, I just heard that Sea World is finally doing away with their "Theatrical" shows, and also the captive killer whale breeding. I can hardly believe it. It proves that progress can be made, even when it seems like nothing is happening. This is just so amazing, and I want to say such a huge thank you, and also congratulations to all of the people who protest, and protest, and than PROTEST!
Those assholes finally listened! Here is an article on NPR about it, and also a short three minute video.
Happy Friday!


  1. This is a determined cat . . .

    1. That was so hilarious! I thought my cats were crazy! Thanks, I needed the laugh!

  2. You made that burger? It's a perfect circle and colorful which had me thinking it was a new vegan burger. I want to nom on it! Sorry about your hair. That crap about "it'll grow out" doesn't help. I trusted a friend to cut mine but her baby was crying and she got distracted and gave me bangs. We're talking big 80's hair bangs. Never had bangs since.

    1. I know. Hair does grow back, but in the meantime it really blows to have to walk around looking like a dork! I was going to have them try to fix it yesterday, but the girl who cut my hair was working, and I just can't let her near me again! So, I'm going back tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
      Yes, the burgers were so good, and of course I just threw them together and didn't write anything down!

  3. Maybe you could wear a hat or headband for a few weeks? So jealous of the Chunky Monkey. That burger does look excellent.

    1. I am going to be rocking some hats and headbands for sure. And I see lots of booby pins and barrettes in my future! The Chunky Monkey is so out of this world.
      For once the burger was excellent. I blended the oats into a partial flour like texture, I think maybe that helped.

  4. At least hair grows... it isn't like you got a bad tattoo! Although it can be cruddy since it is getting warmer and you can't just hide under a hat.

    1. I got it kind of fixed yesterday. It's a little better, but it still is pretty bad. Luckily you're right, hair grows and luckily my hair grows pretty fast. This is why I wait way too long to get my hair trimmed!

  5. I love my sea salt lamps! I have had one at work for over a year. I bought two more and haven't set them up at home yet! Might have to do that and soon!

    1. I love them too, I really do feel a difference. I feel like I'm more calm.


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