Sunday, March 13, 2016

Ben&Jerry Nailed It!

Orange, carrot, red pepper and ginger juice!

Pantry Lentil Soup with Roasted Garlic Bread
Not pictured, a vegan Caesar salad with the amazing vegan Caesar dressing from Follow Your Heart. I made sure and ate nice and healthy all day since I knew I was going to be having some Chunky Monkey later on! I'm saving the Peanut butter and cookie flavor for today. I have a non vegan friend who was most excited for that flavor, so I decided to be nice and wait. I should be trying it today.
As soon as I opened it, I could smell banana, which was an excellent sign. I don't know what else to say other than they totally nailed it! The ice cream is very banana-y, and they are just as generous with the walnuts and chocolate pieces as the original! Almost every bite I had had all three components. What can I say, I'm in love. This tastes exactly how I remember original Chunky Monkey tasting. And it's so thick and creamy! I've had other almond milk ice cream, and to be honest I wasn't that impressed. Next to rice milk ice cream it's my least favorite. I've always preferred soy, or my current fave, cashew milk. So, I don't know how they made this have such a rich mouth feel. It really reminded me of cashew milk ice cream. I remember Ben&Jerry's just always tasted a little different, a little better. I felt the same when I ate this. It just tasted better. Maybe it was just the nostalgic feeling of having Chunky Monkey again. I guess I'll see when I try the second flavor. Regardless of the evils of Unilever, we asked and Ben&Jerry's listened, and they really gave it 100%! I never thought I would have Chunky Monkey as a vegan, so this felt wonderful. It brought back memories of past friends and boyfriends, and all kind of warm food memories. This is a MUST TRY, especially if you love banana!
I'll leave you with this adorable picture of my own little Chunky Monkey!
Happy Sunday!


  1. I am happy for you that you got some. It seems like such an elusive product at this time, if I saw any, I would probably stockpile in case I never saw it again. Congratulations on getting your hands on it!

    1. I know, it almost seemed like a dream seeing it at Target. I actually do feel like I accomplished something! I hope it gets your way sometime soon.

  2. OMG, that seriously looks like your kitty is taking a selfie!!! What vogue feline perfection :). All the reviews have been glowing so far. Better get out my stretchy pants when I find those because I WILL buy all the vegan varieties.

    1. That's so freaking funny! It really does look like Chunk is taking a selfie!
      The Ben& Jerry's is seriously worth every single calorie! I will be trying the coffee caramel one too! Woot Woot!

  3. That SO looks like a kitty selfie!! Hysterical! Glad the chunky monkey was so delicious. I can't wait to finally track down that peanut butter one myself...!

    1. Prepare to fall in love! I think Target seems to be the most common source, and probably the best price! They are sooooooo tasty!

  4. my co-worker got some of this - YES - the vegan kind - and she liked it at first and the 2nd day didn't like it - IDK - she has some VERY specific tastes/smells/preferences. I don't like banana so I doubt I will try this one but looking forward to the others!

    1. Yes, if you don't like banana, avoid this flavor because it is super banana-y!


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