Friday, November 3, 2017

It's Vegan Haul Time!

I made it through pumpkin season! The last three days leading up to Halloween were brutal. So many pumpkins! My back hurts so bad I can't believe it. Like my entire back. I have today and tomorrow off and just could not be happier. I have some Epsom salts that are calling my name today. Detox bath definitely on today's schedule! I also plan on doing some actual cooking so yesterday before work I went to Natural Grocers and Trader Joe's and got some stuff!
I went to Natural Grocers first. I found the fava beans and soyrizo both on clearance. I love, love LOVE fava beans and I've had an idea for a smoky mac and cheese with soyrizo  for the longest time. I actually have a post-it note in my kitchen reminding me. I love it when the universe works with me!!
Next up I hit Trader Joe's and Thursday afternoon is happily way less crazy than a Saturday afternoon!
handsome cut fries,frozen raspberries,winter wake up tea,Jasmine rice, gluten free pasta, onions,maca powder,gluten free brownie mix

lemons,spinach,cilantro,coconut creamer,jackfruit,coconut milk,black beans, taco seasoning,tofu
Someone on saw someone on Pinterest(Lol) use a cake mix with a can of coconut milk to make a cake. I got the gluten free brownie mix so I can test it out. I haven't had baked goods in forever and I certainly haven't done a lot of baking since going gluten free. I'll be trying this out today or tomorrow. I can't wait!

The Christmas craze in in full bloom! This was at the end of an aisle at work the day after Halloween. Actually I worked Halloween night and they were working on it then! And this is just the beginning!


  1. We have Christmas stuff up in our shops already as well. Tis the very very very long season of buying stuff??
    I am so glad that there are no more pumpkins for you! Your poor back. Hope the bath and days off let it settle for you. xx

    1. I seriously think sometime in our lifetime we will have Christmas stuff in stores year round. Spend spend spend!!
      The bath did wonders! I might even do another one today!

  2. So glad you have two days to recouperate! Please post how you like the new tea from trader joe's, i am constantly drinking tea in the winter but it's been such a weird fall that we haven't had many really cold days yet. Natural grocers clearance sounds like the most amazing place in earth to me...! Hahaha! Great finds.

    1. I did write about the tea today. It is really good. It has chai like spices, but it's much milder than a chai. The spices are less sharp, they just kind of hang out in the background.
      Natural Grocers clearance section is truly my Disneyland!!!

  3. Great haul as always! That Vegan Spread is wonderful especially for the price! I have been trying to pick it up when I do make it to a TJ's!


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