Saturday, November 4, 2017

New Thangs

When I first went vegan I remember trying a soyrizo and it was too gross for me. I remember it was super duper oily, and also there were so many spices that the oil was staining everything. I was frustrated and grossed out before I even cooked it! I forget how I prepared it but I remember coming to the conclusion that soyrizo was not my thang. So I'm not sure why I wanted to create a soyrizo mac and cheese, but minds right? Last night I had some fingerling potatoes left so I decided to make potato and soyrizo tacos. Tonight I'll make the mac and cheese. Anyway, I was so nervous to open the soyrizo, but the brand I got on clearance at Natural Grocers was not super oily and messy at all. I sauteed some sliced potatoes in a little coconut oil, and when they were almost done I added a little soyrizo. Yum, my apartment also smelled AHMAZING!!
I topped my tacos with cliantro, avocado, green onions and of course green dragon sauce! This was a really tasty and easy dinner. I am so happy to have given soyrizo another chance! Tonight I'm going to use it in a mac and cheese with black beans and some daiya and it's going to be good! I'll be writing down the recipe too! Getting two dishes out of a clearance package of soyrizo that was $1.75 is pretty awesome!
I also made the gluten free brownies yesterday and they turned out soooooooooooooooo amazing! I used a flax egg and a can of coconut milk. No oil or anything and they are moist and fudge-y and chocolate-y. And gluten free baked goods are not always my favorite, but these have a great taste and texture. So I guess a can of coconut milk does work with boxed cake and brownie mixes!
I also wanted to mention this tea. It is sooooo delicious and warming and cozy. It has chai like spices but is much milder than chai. They used to have a seasonal black tea called seasons greetings or something kind of holiday like and it always went away soon after Christmas was over. I think this might be that tea but renamed and labeled. I can taste the ginger and cinnamon, but they're in the background just giving the tea a very gentle flavor. I like mine with coconut creamer and a little coconut or brown sugar.
Happy Caturday from Afro! She looks like she's guarding the toys, but she's really staring at the door willing it to open!!


  1. That is a big pile of toys there!
    Sounds like you are having some excellent food times! I am glad the soyrizo worked out. We don't have anything like that here.

    1. They do have a lot of toys! And their faves are random pieces of paper and hair ties!
      I'm glad I gave the soyrizo a second chance. I tried it once years ago and the brand I tried was so greasy.

  2. Your tacos look amazing! I can't wait to hear about the mac & cheese! :D

    1. Thank you! The mac and cheese turned out even better than the tacos!!

  3. Those brownies look great! Sometimes you just need a brownie, so glad they turned out okay for you.

  4. I totally know what you mean on the soyrizo- it was yeeeaarrrrsss before i tried any faux meats after i was traumatized by some really yucky ones years back. Once in a while i get the trader joe soyrizo, although it can be a bit spicy for me i think you would love that. The tea sounds really good! With the time change i'll need a caffeinated afternoon kick, this sounds perfect :)

  5. Great finds! And WINTER TIME TEA!? Yes, please!!!!


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