Monday, November 27, 2017

Tofu Try-Outs

Yesterday morning I was thinking about what type of sauce to make with the tofu for my tofu hating coworker. I had my thoughts stuck on bigger pieces of tofu which is how I almost always eat it. Then like a bright light bulb I thought of tacos. I always hear her talk about taco Tuesday so I thought why not make tofu tacos! I crumbled up a block of super firm tofu into tiny gardein crumble type pieces and then I just cooked it in a little coconut oil for fattiness and taco spices. I let it cook slow and low to get the tofu pretty dehydrated and crispy around the edges. Although I've never had the sofritas from Chipotle, I know that even non vegans have sung the praises so I tried to mimic that. It tastes good to me and it has a nice firm texture so I hope she'll like it. I'm braving Trader Joe's before work today(yikes) and I'll get a can of black beans for her to add when she heats it up. She has two daughters so it will be a nice little dinner for them. She said her oldest daughter who is twelve sometimes doesn't even want to eat meat so maybe we have a little future vegetarian/vegan?
I really hope she likes it. If she tries tofu a second time and doesn't like it, the tofu door will pretty much be closed. It definitely doesn't look like tofu, and I figure the crumbles are the least tofu like texture. I also used more coconut oil than I normally would to give it a little it of a fattier mouthfeel. I'll be bringing it to work today, and I've asked her to be very honest, I won't get offended. I really want to help non vegans enjoy vegan food because I think a lot more people would at least do meatless Mondays if they knew they could have whatever they wanted, only cruelty free! I will definitely report back when she shares her opinion!
I had a bunch of odds and ends and was craving curry so I made myself an odds and ends curry for dinner. This has a few potatoes, half an onion, a small piece of leftover tofu and a tiny amount of red lentils. Add some turmeric, curry powder, coconut milk and cilantro and you have yourself a really delicious curry! And of course sriracha makes everything better!
This was happening yesterday morning. It was originally Afro and Etta sleeping, and Kanye cozied in between them as she loves to do. It was so hard to clean and not crawl back in bed with them!


  1. The taco filling is ingenious! My husband is an avowed carnivore, but he eats whatever I cook at home and when I make tacos, I used re-hydrated texturized vegetable protein (TVP) crumbles. I just add oil, smoked paprika, taco seasoning and some Kitchen Bouquet (to darken it). He absolutely loves it! Says it's basically as good as eating tacos with ground beef. So bully for you! Hopefully, she and her daughters will enjoy it.

    1. Oh man, I wish I had known about kitchen bouquet. That's the only thing is it's a lot lighter than tacos made with beef. I hope they love them too!

    2. Yeah, I keep Kitchen Bouquet on hand strictly to make things look more palatable (aka meat-like) for my husband. Cool thing is, it's totally vegan. It's made from caramel (presumably from sugar) and the following vegetables - water, carrots, onions, celery, parsnips, turnips, salt, parsley, spices (cut and pasted straight from the Wikipedia page).

  2. I want to curl up with them!
    The taco crumbles are a really good idea for something different for her to try.

    1. I always do too! It's so hard to stay out of bed with them around!
      Thank you, fingers crossed she loves them!

  3. The taco crumbles are a fantastic idea! Fingers crossed she liked them. Matt made something kind of similar recently where he made a tofu mince beef (I think what you call ground beef?) and then put it in a bolognese sauce. Let us know how they go down. I think it's brilliant you're doing this.

    1. That sounds good in a pasta sauce too. I'll definitely have to try that!
      Thank you. I think she's going to at least like it if not love it. It tastes really good and has a very non tofu texture!

  4. The filling was such a great idea! I am sure they loved it! I love that you are sharing the vegan love with people :) Beautiful curry and love the fur baby pile up!

    1. I think food can open a lot of minds or at least I hope!
      The pile ups are too much sometimes!

  5. The tofu taco filling sounds so good!
    So much cuteness in that cuddle pile! :D

  6. I can't get enough savory and spicy curry lately!


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