Thursday, December 31, 2015

York White Garbanzo Beans

So I finally cooked some of the white garbanzo beans I found in the bulk bins at Whole Foods. Usually I try to soak dry beans overnight, especially garbanzos which I find to take the longest out of any other dried bean to cook. I decided to see what would happen with a quick two or three hour soak. I figured I would be up for at least an hour and a half to two hour cook time, but I was super surprised that they cooked in under an hour! I couldn't believe it! Even soaked for eight hour garbanzo beans rarely cook in under an hour. Once cooked they aren't as white as dry. They are lighter than regular garbanzos, just not as much. Here is a little extra information. I was surprised at how little information was available for these, and also the zero tannin lentils I found. Anyway, they were a little firmer, I could see where they maybe wouldn't make the best hummus. Taste wise I really didn't notice a lot of difference. I would say both are equally delicious, but I like that this new to me variety has a quicker cook time. The next time I use these, I will cook them without any soaking to see if they still cook much faster, and report back.
They don't look much different, just a little lighter. I think this variety would make the best crispy, baked chickpeas.
I was going to make one recipe, then I was going to make a different one, and I just couldn't decide, so I went with no recipe, and just some simple comfort food of mashed potatoes, chickpeas and vegan gravy. I used the Simply Organic brand of gravy mix this time. It was all right, I prefer the Hains brand but hey, gravy is gravy.
It was a warm hug of a meal and I definitely needed a hug! I used a little bit of the So Delicious culinary coconut milk to mash the potatoes, and it made them rich without having to add any earth balance or anything like that.
I'm glad I found a reliable bulk provider. I'm going to step outside of my bean comfort zone this year, and every time I go to get bulk supplies, I'm going to experiment with a new to me bean and/or grain!
I hope everyone has an amazing day, and evening. If you're going out, please be safe.

1 comment:

  1. Last year I had a bean salad from Wegmans that was tri-color garbanzo beans! White, Black, and Yellow! I loved it!


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