Sunday, December 20, 2015

Cauliflower and Cats Again??

Well, I finally made the buffalo cauliflower sandwich from hot for food! It was everything I hoped it would be. In the past two months I have eaten more cauliflower than I have in my entire life! I am full on addicted to the General Tso's cauliflower, and now this epic sandwich. I guess as long as cauliflower is dipped in batter, baked, then slathered in a really delicious sauce I like it! It was super easy to make. I used a sweet onion hot sauce mixed with some Tapatio sauce and it was spicy and delicious! I loved every bite, and I will be making this again and again. I didn't make my own vegan ranch, even though their recipe looks great, because I wanted to use the Follow Your Heart blue cheese. I topped my sandwich with lettuce, and sliced pickle and of course the blue cheese. It was crispy, salty, spicy, creamy, and crunchy all in one bite. My inner little me is absolutely GAGGING at all this cauliflower consumption! I know it's the holidays right now, but soon it will be full on football and super bowl time, and these would be great game food! I bet doing the same batter process but using a vegan BBQ sauce, or a vegan honey mustard sauce would be delicious as well.
I caught this cuteness. My two favorite guys in the whole world! Chunk has taken to kind of cuddling with Dylan. Dylan is relatively grumpy towards the other kitties in his old age, and for the most part wants to be left alone, but Chunk finds sneaky little ways to get some contact, even if it's only head to head!
Happy Sunday!


  1. Can there ever be too much Cauliflower or Cats? No.

  2. I need to stop reading vegan blogs and make dinner because I am getting so hungry looking at everyone's food! XD

  3. Ha ha I know what you mean! And then you get so many ideas you don't know what to make!

  4. awwwww! And I will be doing more and more with cauliflower as long as I can get it like I did in the HUGE package at Walmart for cheap and chopped! YUM!

  5. That's awesome, I haven't been able to find bags of the pre-chopped, it's always broccoli and cauliflower together.


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