Monday, December 14, 2015

Super Store, Super Sunday Haul!

I stopped into a Fred Meyer store, which is a superstore/big box store here in Seattle. There is a Freddys in Greenwood which is one of my favorite neighborhoods in Seattle. It used to be one of the smaller and cozier stores, and it had a kick ass bulk section. Well, while I was away they gave this store a total face lift, and it's now almost the size of the bigger stores I try to avoid. Oddly enough, their bulk section has gotten much smaller. They used to have every kind of bean and grain, now it's mostly granola, some nuts, and various chia energy bites, trail mix and dried fruit. I was very disappointed because I need to stock up on bulk beans and such. And a superstore on a Sunday two weeks before the big day? Help me. I barely made it out alive. I didn't get any beans, but I didn't leave empty handed.
I'm thinking soup.

Notice the pineapple stems do not stand a chance in this house. Both Scrappy and Kanye love to chow down! This is Scrappy caught in the act!
I meant to grab the Yves ham, but I accidentally grabbed salami. I am working on an idea for a vegan Carbonara sauce, and I know the gross version has ham in it. I'm sure the salami will work too. Of course this is coming from someone who has never made Carbonara, and I don't even think I've ever eaten it! But that's the fun of cooking! So I didn't know that So Delicious was in the creamer game. They also had French vanilla, and hazelnut, but for some reason the plain was on sale for $1.24!! Weird price, but I'm not complaining!
Tis the season for citrus!

I was just saying the last time I went to Grocery Outlet that I have never seen the Asian pear kombucha in a bottle, and look what I found!! Random but exciting! It was warm, near the boxed tea on a very low shelf. It's kind of surprising that I saw it! And Niagra grape sounds excellent too! Anyone who knows me knows I am a sucker for grape.
The La Croix is from a different day, and from Target but I have to spread the love, it's my duty. This flavor is new to me, and it's strawberry pineapple!! I know I just was saying how cherry lime was knocking at my favorite's door, but I'm sorry to say that strawberry pineapple has totally smoked cherry lime, and might take first place from grapefruit. It tastes like water with a squeeze of real strawberry and pineapple. It is so delicious. It's all I want to drink! If you or anyone you know struggles with drinking enough water, try this. I think it would even help people who are having a hard time giving up soda, because it is still fizzy and flavored.
Happy Monday!


  1. Awesome finds! Wish we had a Fred Meyer here!!!! That sprouted tofu ROCKS - I haven't had it in YEARS - hard to find around here! But then again most things are! LOL

    1. I know, the tofu is a little bit of a splurge, but i love it so much! It's meaty without being meaty!


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