Thursday, December 17, 2015

Candle Cafe in Your Home!

Good morning! I had to start my post with some adorable kitty action. Kanye and Afro were total cuddle buddies yesterday. I love how Afro's paw is on Kanye's face, it looks like she's pushing her away!(She wasn't) Kanye wanted me to mention that she is named after Kanye West, not after Kanye Kardashian.
So I found a bag of Candle Cafe frozen ravioli in my freezer that I forgot I had. They are filled with Portobello mushrooms, and Kalamata olives. I got them awhile ago at Whole Foods, and they somehow got shoved in the back of my freezer. I didn't have any jarred tomato sauce, and no canned tomatoes to make my own sauce, so I decided to get crazy. While the pasta was boiling(only five minutes) I sauteed five or six garlic cloves in olive oil, added some crushed red pepper, salt and pepper, and about half a can of chickpeas. I sauteed this for a few minutes, turned off the heat, added the juice of half a lemon, and a ton of chopped parley and dill. I tossed it all with the ravioli, and added some nutritional yeast. Kind of like a chickpea scampi, minus the white wine!
Before I show the picture of the final dish, let me just say that these ravioli are probably the best frozen ravioli I have ever had. The pasta is soft and tender, and the filling is delicious. Kalamata olives are delicious, but strong. Somehow they didn't let the olives overpower the mushrooms. Really tasty, and I'm sure these were a splurge item for me, and totally worth it!
The parsley and dill complimented the filling perfectly. It was warm and comforting, but also fresh from the parsley and dill. Since they were added after the heat was off, they kept their vibrant taste. And the little squeeze of lemon brightened everything. I felt kind of fancy pants making this, but in reality the whole meal was made in like ten minutes!
If you see these in your Whole Foods, I can't stress enough- try them! You won't be disappointed.
Even though tomorrow is Friday, I will have some fun things to show for my late MidWeek Munchies post. I'm going to find a bulk bin source today, and I'm sure I'll get one or two treats along the way!
Happy Thursday!


  1. Oh Dang! Those Raviolis werent out when I was buying Candle Cafe. I always got the Mac & Cheese and Seitan Picata. Both excellent. So jealous you have all these options.

    1. I have always bought the Rising Sun raviolis because it's really hard to find vegan ravioli. But these are a million times better than rising sun. I saw the Seitan Picata there, maybe I'll try that next time.

  2. OMG! I sooooooo wish I could find this!!!!!


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