Wednesday, December 30, 2015

My Favorite recipe of 2015

I am terrible at picking things, picking favorites and narrowing anything down. I am that person at a restaurant that is the last to order, and almost always has to ask the server for a few more minutes. I also like variety, and rarely make the same recipe over and over. Or if I do have something on repeat, I always change it up a little. And, there are two foods that I just refuse to eat like a stubborn toddler. Those foods are cauliflower, and asparagus. I never outgrew my extreme dislike of these two veggies. So, those reasons show why what I'm about to say is so strange. Last night for dinner I made General Tso's cauliflower AGAIN! I've made this at least once a week for over a month now! Every time I buy a head of cauliflower I shake my head and laugh, and allow my inner child to have a hissy!
I really think the secret to this dish is the sauce. I keep saying I need to try the sauce with some tofu, or egplant but I just keep using cauliflower cause it's that good! I know people are probably sick of seeing it and hearing about it, but I just can't stop with it!
Look at that deliciousness!
This dish has made cauliflower edible and craveable, and for the first time in forever I can confidently pick this as My FAVORITE recipe of 2015! This recipe has defied all odds, and I'm so glad I tried it. I usually automatically look away from cauliflower recipes, but I must have been feeling super open minded the day I saw this recipe.
Here is the recipe. I cannot stress how delicious it is, and it's fat free to boot. It does not use one stitch of oil and when you taste it you would never guess that it wasn't fried. I'm very proud to say that last night I didn't even have to look at the recipe! I have now made it enough times that it's just in my head!
To really make clear how much I love this, yesterday was my birthday, and this is what I made myself for my birthday dinner. I have gardein stuff in my freezer, and all kinds of stuff I could have splurged on for my birthday dinner, but this was how I wanted to celebrate! With cauliflower!! I mean, you just never know what's going to change in your life! I will try to find other recipes to go on and on about in the New Year, but it's going to be hard to come close to this one!
Happy Wednesday!


  1. Happy belated birthday! Xxxx Love the sound of this cauliflower recipe and I'm definitely bookmarking it.

  2. So sorry I missed your birthday! This looks yummers!


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