Monday, December 28, 2015


I made a recipe from Vegetarian Times yesterday! It's called Fresh herb Potato Rosti. I've had the page dogeared for awhile now. It's pretty much one big circular hash brown with herbs thrown in. It involved browning one side, putting it on a plate, and flipping it back into the pan to get browned on the other side. It was okay. Not really worth the hassle of doing the flip. It would be much easier to just make single servings of this, more like potato pancakes. It tasted good though, I mean it's crispy potatoes, how could it not taste good, right? I used parsley and green onion, because that's what I had, but this is definitely one of those recipes that is very flexible. After I took the picture, I added some hot sauce to spice it up. Again, if I would have thought ahead, I could have soaked some cashews and made sour cream. I understand so clearly the benefits of meal planning, yet I just don't see myself ever sticking with it. What can you do?
I wanted to give a little update on the new to me lentils I found last week in the bulk bins at Whole Foods. They are golden zero tannin lentils. They remind me of red lentils. They cook in like fifteen minutes, and they definitely lose their shape like red lentils, which means they are great for soups! I would say cook them for ten to twelve minutes if you wanted them to be firm for a salad or something solid. And, they really don't "muddy the water"! After shopping at Whole Foods a few times, I have a new understanding of them. You have to treat Whole Foods like Grocery Outlet. You can't go there for all of your groceries, (unless you can) but you can go there and find some good deals. They have had good deals on certain organic produce both times I've been there, and there have been some decent sales on other specialty items. It feels good to lose some of that loathing!
Happy Monday! It's the last Monday of 2015!


  1. That looks pretty awesome!!!! And totally LOVE Cashew Sour Cream! YUM!


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