Saturday, December 5, 2015

Lentil Joes, Lentil lentil Joes

This isn't vegan related news, but it's the weekend, and I have to make a couple of suggestions if you're looking for a new show to get into. I have two suggestions, and they're both on Netflix. One is a comedy called Master of None, and it is created by and stars one of my favorites, Aziz Ansari. It's a comedy, but a thoughtful one, not an in your face comedy. I've watched three episodes so far, and it's touching, and has a sweetness to some scenes that I enjoy. Netflix is really nailing it lately with the shows they are releasing. The second show is called Jessica Jones, and it stars Krysten Ritter. Jessica Jones is a Marvel superhero, and on one hand I am so over superhero everything, but on the other hand this show is amazing. It is not super bloody and violent, which I like. I miss out on a lot of shows that people love because I can't stand the violence. And if I'm covering my eyes more than watching, what's the point? It's low key as far as superhero stuff goes, no CGI, no super long, drawn out action sequences that seem almost like a video game. She is troubled and damaged, but still strong and still wanting to do the right thing. She's also pretty kick ass. I love it!
I'm still feeling a little low, and I decided to make one of my favorite winter comfort foods, Snobby Joes. The past two winters when I was living in the snow belt I made this recipe so often I know it by heart. I love it because the leftovers are so easy to completely refurbish. They make great quesadillas, it's a great topping for pizza, sauce and protein in one, and so many other things. I never ate or cared for sloppy Joes in my pregan days, but man do I love this version!
I always serve my lentil Joes open face style, and eat with a fork. I topped this with a little daiya, and sliced green onions.  Served with a salad with almost the last of my FYH vegan blue cheese. I'm so sad to be at the bottom of this bottle!
Happy Saturday! Have a safe and loving weekend!


  1. I've been wanting to check out Masters of None at some point. If you like comedies with substance I might recommend Derek. It has Ricky Gervais as the main comedian, and he played a man who works at a nursing home. His character is a little bit like Spongebob Squarepants in the sense that he is so innocent that it can be funny- and endearing.

    1. I'm so glad you recommended Derek! I have been eyeballing that show, and I love Ricky Gervais but i wasn't sure. Now I will definitely check it out! Thanks! Masters of none is really amazing. His real life parents play his parents on the show, and it makes some of the scenes even more touching. I thought i couldn't love Aziz Ansari more, but I was wrong!

  2. LOVED 'Master Of None' AND LOVE Sloppy Joes.

    1. I remember your blog used to make me crave sloppy Joe's!


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