Thursday, December 3, 2015

Cauliflower Again!

I had mentioned last week that I was going to try to find out more information about the VeganEgg, like where it's sold, how can it be used, etc. I found the most information on FYH's website. I'm surprised to see that it's not sold at Whole Foods yet. It looks like for the most part Amazon is the way to go, although I see Vegan Haven is selling it, so that gives me a reason to go make a trip! It also seems that this can be used in baking, which will be awesome! I read somewhere else that it has a shelf life of six months, so way better than nasty old eggs! I was curious about what the H algal flour is, and wow, talk about a bunch of stuff that is hard to understand. It took sifting through A LOT of science speak to figure out that it is a flour made from a microalgae and it seems to provide a certain "mouthfeel". I take that to mean a fatty type of quality, since it's being used as an egg substitute. I seems to be healthy, vegan, and a whole food. I was reading comments on a website who reviewed the Vegan Egg, and some people were mentioning that they wouldn't use it because it has carrageenan in it, which some swear is carcinogenic. But, for every person shunning this ingredient, there was someone saying it was totally safe. I don't know, I've never worried about it before. I try to avoid ingredients that sound too funky, but sometimes I like to just try things, and throw caution to the wind. I look at some things this way, there are companies that for the most part i trust, and companies that always get a side eye from me. Follow Your Heart is a company that I tend to veer more on the side of trust. I'm not saying I want to live on a diet of carrageenan, but I don't feel like I can never have it either. I sometimes wonder if all of the stress and worry of worrying about every single thing causes more harm than doing some of the stuff you worry about.
I made another batch of General Tso's cauliflower last night. I had a serious craving. I cannot believe I ate cauliflower twice in one week! I never thought cauliflower would enter my mouth as a grown-up! But this recipe is so amazing. The cauliflower gets soft, but not mushy, and the outside is crisp, and the sauce covers up any hint of a cauliflower taste. I had a little less than half a block of tofu that needed to be used, so I threw that in the mix too. What I love most about this recipe is that is is so similar to greasy Chinese food, but it is totally fat free. All the love!
Served over Basmati rice, it was the perfect dinner. The sauce could make anything taste good!
Will you be trying the VeganEgg if you can find it anywhere?


  1. That looks great!!! I bet the Vegan Egg won't be here for a LONG while...

    1. I know. That's the frustrating thing about some of the new vegan products is the wait. I'm still on the search for the Upton's jackfruit!

  2. I wouldn't worry too much about carrageenan. So far all the studies I've seen have been on animals, and I am sorry, those are bad tests. Particularly ones one mice and rodents. Know what gives them cancer? Almost everything. I had a hamster and the vet told me that traumatic experiences can cause cancer! Yes, my hamster almost got eaten by a cat and that is how he got cancer! Mice are super prone to cancer too, and I've read articles from doctors and scientists that constantly say to be warry of studies done on them. Sorry, it is something I get a little passionate about since it gives a lot false information about food. Truth is that larger animals usually have more precautions against cancer since they have more cells to multiply than a mouse. There are studies being done on elephants to figure out how they combat cancer since they are so huge.

    1. Wow, I never knew that about small rodents! I really never knew carrageenan was something to worry about to be honest. I think some of the people who wory so much are causing more harm to their bodies than any food ever could.

  3. I will have to see if Amazon will ship that VeganEgg down here.

    1. I hope they will, and hope it isn't a crazy shipping cost! I have to try this too! It looks too good to be true!


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