Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Spoons Over Forks

So, I ran across a recipe online from Forks over Knives for a veggie chowder that just sounded so good, I've been craving it. I also have recipes floating in my head that I want to create, and recipes from books, and even the new issue of Vegetarian Times. Which by the way is getting more and more vegan friendly over the years. Truth be told I prefer Vegetarian Times over Veg News. Veg News is extremely hard to find, and sometimes I feel like I'm not hip enough to read it. Anyway, frozen corn was one of the top things I needed to get, and of course on Sunday I forgot lots of things that I really needed. You know how they say to never shop when you're hungry because you will end up straying from your list and spending more money? Well, for me I can shop when I'm hungry, but I can't shop in madhouse conditions. There probably is no amount of meditation, or yoga that will ever help me handle crowds. And when it's super busy at a store, there's a certain assertiveness needed that I just don't have, and I just feel sweaty and awkward. Wow, I just said ALL OF THAT to say I made the lotsa veggie chowder, I just switched out some of  the veggies. That's really one of the greatest things ever about soup. In most cases the recipes are very flexible!
I followed the recipe for the most part. I left out the corn, added some white beans, and added a little more dill than the recipe called for. And I used leek instead of onion. I don't buy leeks as often as I should, they are really delicious, and man do they love potatoes. This soup was just what I needed. Warm, and comforting, and I could feel the nutrients swirling around in my body curing what ails me.
Sometimes I like to make a big pot of soup in the morning, and just eat from that pot all day. It's a nice thing on a cold winter day when maybe you want to just take it easy. This would be a soup that would be great for one of those days. This is a soup I will be making a lot this winter. It's easy and quick too. And, totally fat free! I had some multi-grain baguette on the side for dunking, but next time I make this I will try to have some type of saltine cracker to go with.
What's your favorite winter comfort food?


  1. Hi VP! I agree that soups are an awesome winter comfort food! I'd say a stew is a close second, with its hearty chunks of veggies. Or chili. Basically, whatever that's hot which you can eat with a spoon!

    1. Ha ha, I agree! Stews of course lead to pot pies and such too!

  2. I feel the same way about Veg News. I wonder if non-vegans pick it up and think we're trying too hard or something. Veganism doesn't mean hipster, it just means we like delicious food that doesn't come from an animal. We're not saints, we just don't want something to have to die to feed us. Have you ever tried Trader Joe's fire roasted corn tossed into their brand of boxed corn chowder? So good!

    1. I'm so glad I'm not alone in my wariness of Veg News. I always feel like if I went to a Veg News party I would be the person alone in the corner of the room!
      I have tried Trader Joe's fire roasted corn, but I've never tried their corn chowder, I will have to look for that my next trip, sounds great!

  3. It IS hard to find Veg News! I know it went dark for about a year (or more) but it's back and I still can't find it! Oye! I have subscribed to Vegetarian Times for like 20 years! They are going to be going thru a re-design! Can't wait to see the revamped look!

    1. I know! I keep seeing tweets about the new Veg News, but it's not at any stores. At first I thought it was an Erie thing, but even in Seattle, nowhere. I remember voting somewhere on the new look for Vegetarian times! I had totally forgotten till you said that! I can't wait either.


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