Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Cats, Fails, and Taco Tuesday

I wanted to get my fur babies something for I guess the season, and so I got this cozy kitty corner fun house type of thing at Target. They love their cat trees, much to my chagrin, so I figured this would be a hit. It came "assembly required" which immediately made me nervous. I am not always the best at putting stuff together, and my lack of patience rears it's ugly head, and it's a whole thing. But, I came home, had a cup of ginger tea, and told myself I could do it! So, fast forward like an hour and many swear words later and I got it together. By the way, the directions for this were a joke! I finally figured it out just by looking at the picture on the box. Keep in mind that I was assembling this with some VERY nosy kitties. I suddenly felt very close to all the parents out there trying to assemble toys for their kids this time of year. Here's the worst part of the whole story. As I was putting it together, I felt like it was much more flimsy flamsy than I was expecting. As soon as I got it together, they lost all interest. An hour later, Kanye starts batting at one of the balls, and promply takes it down. She was only half- heartedly swatting! As the afternoon progressed, no one was hanging out in it, they have more interest in a paper bag! I woke up this morning and it's partially collapsed! It is the worst, and it's getting returned today.
Here's the sunken, busted version. We haven't even had it for twenty four hours, and no one really digs it. I could have done something wrong in assembling it, but even so no one likes it. Notice there are no kitty tails or feet in this picture. When is the last time that's happened?
See on the bottom of the box? The whole city? You're supposed to be able to build up, and have towers and cities and all of that. And see how the orange kitty is on top of the thing, feeling relaxed and comfortable? Well, I put the smallest of my brood, Kanye on top and she was like I'm outta here.
I can't imagine building a whole city just to turn the fan on and have it all crash down. Needless to say I don't recommend this for any kitty parents out there. What a fail!
After all of that hullabaloo, I was getting pretty hungry. I was going to make potato and chickpea Korma with the cashew Korma sauce I found, but I was out of chickpeas. I don't even know how I let that happen! I still wanted something with potatoes, so I decided to take part in Taco Tuesday! I feel so hip and part of a movement! Ha ha. I sliced some fingerling potatoes, tossed them with a small amount of coconut oil, salt, pepper, cayenne, garlic powder, cumin, and smoked paprika. Fingerling potatoes cook so quickly, I love it! They roasted at 400 degrees, and were done in under thirty minutes. I piled them in some flour tortillas with lettuce, salsa and green onion. Super simple, super cheap, and super satisfying. I need to make potato tacos more often.
I wish I would have known ahead of time I was making these, I would have soaked some cashews and made sour cream! They were still pretty delicious without. Food definitely doesn't have to be complicated to be satisfying.
I hope everyone is keeping their sanity this season!


  1. I just picture a group of cats circling you while putting the tower together meowing "hurry mommy! I want to take a nap! hurry!"

    We got a cat house from that same brand and it isn't that great. It stays up, but it is always getting disconnected, which would make it impossible to put together in one big cat city like they advertise.

    1. That pretty much sums it up. One of my kitties, Afro kept trying to climb in the thing before it was all ready, and it just kept getting disconnected and it was just a mess. That was what I thought right away, this thing would never make it as a cat city. It would be a never ending job of connecting those damn pipes over and over!

  2. For keeping sanity this season and always

    Meditation - The No BS Guide

    1. Thanks so much! I will definitely check that out. I've been really getting in to guided meditation!

  3. Oh no what a shame the cat city didn't work out. You sound like me with flat pack furniture, my brain just goes into meltdown! Good to see that the day ended with great tacos though.

    1. I'm glad I'm not alone! Meltdown is a very good word to describe the feeling I get when I have to assemble something!I just want to sit in the middle of the room crying until someone comes to help!

  4. Hope you got your money back. I am surprised your cats use the other kitty condo you have. My cats are happy with empty cardboard boxes.

    1. I did. I could tell the lady at Target was pissed because I told her it had been assembled. But I had the receipt, and I was extremely unhappy. My cats love boxes too. Unfortunately they also love their kitty tree.

  5. Can't go wrong with tacos!
    My parents have one of those cat house things!

    1. They must be better at assembling things, because this thing would not stay together.


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