Tuesday, January 14, 2020

This and That

I love that it's slowly getting easier to find vegan and cruelty free soaps, shampoos, etc. at regular stores at decent prices. I found this conditioner at Winco for a little over four dollars, it would have been three if I would have remembered to rip off the coupon and use it! If I like it, next time! I've been seeing more vegan and cruelty free beauty and cleaning products everywhere!
This is my fifth and so far favorite batch of homemade kombucha! This is limeade booch and it is so incredibly refreshing! Lately I've been getting frozen concentrate juice and only mixing in a little water so that it's super strong. It makes for a nice and fruity and sweet kombucha, which I like. I never liked dry wine, and I don't like dry booch.
Last night I was feeling a little icky. You know that feeling when you're hungry, but also the thought of food turns your stomach? That was me. So, I made a nice spicy broth with chilis, tamari, garlic, ginger and some mushroom seasoning and served that over rice noodles with of course baked tofu. With some hoisin drizzled on top! This was soothing and just what I needed!


  1. Ooooh, I love that concentrate idea!! And I've never thought about making lime booch. I need to try that next time!!!

  2. That looks like a perfect bowl of food if you aren't feeling well. <3
    You are killing it with the homemade booch! Very impressive.


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