Friday, January 24, 2020

Fun at the Library

I had to pick up a library book I had reserved, and as always I found a couple of extra books. And as usual I had to stop myself from getting a huge stack of books!!
I went to the top floor and they have a little gallery of artwork for sale. I'm intimidated by actual museums because of the people, so this was nice. I walked through and felt very high brow.
These were my two favorites. Especially the tree. My favorite thing about summer is laying on the ground on a really blue day, and looking at the green from a tree mixed with the blue. So beautiful. If I would have had the cash I would have bought it!
These are the three books I chose. I love Robin Robertson, and I don't think I've ever tried Some Like It Hot. I am definitely team hot so I'm excited.
I was dreaming about sesame noodles from The Asian Vegan Kitchen so I whipped some up when I got home. The recipe is so easy to halve, and would be easy to double too. I made some spicy hoisin glazed tofu to go with.
I was feeling a bit down so I had some chocolate oatly ice cream for dessert. It's so incredible. I have now tried So delicious oat ice cream and oatly, and wow, oat milk really does make some creamy ice cream!! I can't wait to try the strawberry!


  1. Mmmm... strawberry oatmilk sounds amazing!

    I love when libraries feature art. Mine does rotating displays of various items, some items are arts, some are crafts, and some are just personal collections. I love it because it is like a little mini museum

    1. I regret not getting the strawberry to be honest!
      This room felt like what you said, a mini museam and I love it! I never go up to this floor so now I know I need to more often!

  2. My local public library had a display of holiday-themed snow globes a little while ago. It was so beautiful!

    Now you have me dreaming about sesame noodles.

    1. I've been making sesame noodles at least once a week for awhile now! They're so good, and I love them warm or cold!

  3. I love wandering around displays at libraries, they can have some really neat stuff. That is cool that yours has local art for sale!

    I made the sesame noodles last night!

    I wonder if the Some Like It Hot is a precursor to Vegan Fire & Spice which is a precursor to Hot Vegan. I love Vegan Fire & Spice, though I take out all the fire from the recipes. ;)

    1. Did you like the sesame noodles? I love them so much!!
      Robin Robertson is the best really!! I'll have to keep an eye out for Vegan Fire& Spice!

    2. I saw you posted cold Szechuan noodles today from Some Like It Hot, and there is a recipe for that in Vegan Fire & Spice, so I am assuming that Fire & Spice is a newer version of Some Like It Hot.

  4. The little art gallery at the library sounds really nice! And I definitely need to try those sesame noodles sometime!


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