Friday, January 17, 2020

High and Low!

I needed a potato for my dinner last night, and I was downtown so I stopped at Harmons where I never shop because it's old school Whole Foods expensive.I'm not even talking about bougie products, I'm talking everything is ore expensive. Even things like beans, rice and such are so much more. Even the one potato I bought was more expensive!
Even though I always feel uncomfortable and awkward at this store, I always like to peruse and see if they have any new, fancy vegan things.
I'm sorry, this is a horrible picture, I took it so fast because I was feeling so dorky and anxious. But right near where they have their dairy and eggs, they had this entire display of vegan meats and cheeses! Also Bitchen sauce and some other nut sauce(Ha Ha) I've never really seen an entire large display dedicated to vegan food!
I also saw this! I seriously thought Just Mayo no longer existed! Where did it go. is it coming back, is it now only for rich people? So many questions!!!
This company had these two items, plus vegan hot dogs and vegan shrimp. They range in price from $8/99 to $11.99 a box! Too weird and too pricey for my blood! Some of the vegan alternatives are so expensive it blows my mind!
From expensive alternatives to more humble foods like lentils and potato! I had a tiny bit of cashew butter left, so I made a curry coconut lentil stew with cashew butter subbing in for the peanut butter! I think I like cashew butter even better than peanut butter!!


  1. Omg, I thought Just Mayo was gone too!! Glad to see it still exists somewhere, even if it's way overpriced there!! And WOW, I've never seen that brand of vegan egg or bacon, but they look awesome. Your stew looks so comforting and delicious.

    1. I was shocked when I saw the Just Mayo!! I wonder if it's makimg a comeback!

  2. I know,right?Just Mayo happens to be my fav vegan mayo but not many sell it now.It used to be everywhere.😢

    1. I know. It was so easy to find. I haven't seen it anywhere in over a year so this was shocking! Maybe it's making a comeback?

  3. I have been dying to try and find Just Mayo! I have kind-of given up on other ones, and have just been making some at home, which varying degrees of success.

    1. I'm hoping it's making a comeback. It was my favorite, and their ranch was so freaking good!!!
      I've tried to make mayo too. I have not had good luck at all, so I've been buying veganaise. I like it because it comes in a glass jar so I can reuse it.

  4. Target stopped carrying Just Mayo because of concerns about the factory; I'm not sure where that finally landed. It got a lot of bad press and fell out of favor for a while. I used to love it, but I'm a Vegenaise convert these days. But I think they do sell Just Mayo at Wegmans. I used to love their "Awesome Sauce."

    1. I remember the Target controversy, but it was still very easy to find at other stores, then it seemed like when the Just Egg came out they forgot about the mayo!
      I've switched to veganaise too, and I love it!

  5. We are yet to get Just Mayo over here, but I am committed to Vegenaise which we can get, so I am not deprived.

  6. Also I feel you on the prices of these foods. We have so many new vegan things in our supermarkets here, it is more available than ever. But with the prices of a lot of things I wouldn't exactly call it accessible. On the one hand I am excited for the new options, on the other I am sad because it makes it seem like veganism is all about expensive plant based meat products and cheese and snack balls and that has nothing to do with it. I could see how people could easily feel like veganism was not affordable or realistic for them with all the emphasis on these products.

    1. I agree. When people say how accessible vegan food is now I get so mad! I understand how amazing it is to see this stuff everywhere, but the prices are out of control. And it feeds the stereotype that veganism is some kind of elite thing. It is so maddening to me, I could write an entire novel ranting about it!!

  7. Count me in with the Veganaise crowd. About a year and a half ago, my local Stop n Shop discontinued Just Mayo and I bought about five jars for $1.00 a piece (which have lasted me quite a while) but normally, I'm 100% Team Veganaise.

    1. I've come over to the veganaise side too. But I do miss the Just Ranch. I never liked ranch as a non vegan, but I love Just Ranch so much!!


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