Monday, January 6, 2020

Basil Fried Rice and Vegan White Chocolate!!!!

Last night I made another dish from The Asian Vegan Kitchen. I have so many dishes bookmarked, I can't wait to cook the whole book!
I made the basil fried rice, and once again it blew my mind. It was very simple to make, but has so much flavor! It's flavored with lots of basil, some chili, and a little cilantro at the end. Perfection!
The recipe called for thirty to forty leaves of basil,  I used a lot more than that because it's just so good!! I also added some baked tofu because that makes everything better!!
I'm really enjoying the recipes in this book, Most are simple, without a lot of expensive or hard to find ingredients.
Smith's grocery which is Fred Meyer/Kroger depending on where you live, has really become extremely vegan friendly, to the point where they have their own line of vegan deli slices and sausages which look to be similar to tofurky. And now they sell VEGAN WHITE CHOCOLATE!!! This was like a unicorn sighting. I was reading and rereading the ingredient list, and then I noticed it says vegan right on the front of the package!
It is made with matcha powder, so it's green, and it definitely has a hint of that earthy flavor, but it's also creamy and definitely white chocolate!! If you don't like or drink matcha or green tea it might not be for you, but if you enjoy green tea I highly, highly recommend!! I definitely give this a ten out of ten! And it was on sale two for five, so not insanely expensive!!!


  1. Everything looks amazing! The fried rice and that chocolate. I'm with you; I absolutely adore white chocolate. I didn't know there were vegan versions out there.

    1. This is the first vegan version I've seen except for an all vegan store in Seattle, and it was insanely expensive!!!
      I am LOVING The Asian Vegan Kitchen!

  2. I need to add that fried rice recipe to my list of things to make from that book, it looks great!

    1. It really is, and even if you leave out the chili, it is still so flavorful with all the basil!
      Tonight I'm making the sesame noodles, third recipe I've made from the book!

  3. Yum, the basil fried rice looks so good! And that's so exciting about the white chocolate that you found!


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