Sunday, January 12, 2020

Survey Says!

A few weeks before the holidays I got a survey in the mail from The Nielsen Company. It was a television survey which cracked me up because I haven't had or watched TV in a thousand years! I'm not totally out of touch because of streaming services, but I'm certainly no TV expert. I filled out the survey anyway, it took all of three minutes and called it a day.
Fast forward to last Wednesday when I got a random call telling me I won a fifty dollar gift card! Not bad for three minutes of my time!! The gift card was to Walmart which I choose not to support, but fifty dollars bought food for myself and my feline family for the week so that was a super nice surprise.
So here is the human food portion of my haul. I will say this for at least the Walmart here in SLC, the produce section is pretty big with lots of variety, and it's super great quality considering the prices.
Epsom salts, bulk rice, cashews and gfree pasta, peanuts,Chloe's pops, oranges, lemons, pears,tofu,marinara sauce,celery,coconut milk creamer,green onions,russet potatoes,garlic, onion,instant coffee,carrots,limeade
The bulk items are from Winco, I just included them with the Walmart stuff. I will say this, fifty dollars goes a long way at Walmart. Like I mentioned before, I do appreciate that they offer healthy foods for a decent price. There are a lot of people who live in towns where Walmart is one of their only options for groceries. Unfortunately, not everyone has a Trader Joe's or Sprouts. With my tight budget, if I didn't have those options I would probably have to rethink my stance on Walmart.
Anyway, thanks for my groceries Nielsen family!!
When I got home I was feeling very drained. Walmart was extremely busy and it's so big and loud that it's really kind of too much of everything for me. So all I wanted to do was soak in some Epsom salts and have a quick meal. I have this Schezwan sauce that's almost too spicy for me, and I love spice! So, I added a little of the Schezwan sauce with a little tamari and hoisin to a pan and tossed in some baked tofu. Easy peasy and really tasty! The hoisin helped mellow out the spice, but it still had a kick! I added some chopped peanuts for crunch.
Sorry for the flashy picture, but look at that magnificent floof! She was just begging me to take a picture!!!


  1. Hey congrats! We were a "Neilsen Family" for two years. We had devices installed on each TV in our house and each time we watched we had to register the ages and genders of everyone watching (including guests) on the device. It was all very weird and primitive. This was back in the early aughts. Turns out, they didn't even mean to hook it up to our house. The guy who came to sign us up meant to go to the neighbors' house. They were Latino and Nielsen was specifically looking for that particular demographic in our area. They called us about 3 weeks after everything was hooked up and were supposed to come and remove the equipment but ultimately decided not to. We monitored our TV habits until out time was finished, then they came and removed the equipment. I think we received a check for $50 twice a year for our trouble. Your $50 was come by much easier than ours.

    1. I remember as a kid wanting and wishing we'd be picked as a Neilsen Family!
      I agree, my fifty dollars was too easy to come by!! I actually thought it was some kind of scam at first!

  2. I was once a Nielsen person for the radio--after several surveys, I had to keep a written journal of my radio listening for a week and they kept calling to ask if I was doing it. I got about $50 total from it. It was fun, but you had a much easier time getting your money! Still, mine was money I could spend anywhere, and yours was Wal-Mart, so I'm not sure which of us wins.

    If I lived somewhere such that Wal-Mart had a monopoly, I'm not sure what I'd do, either. But free stuff is obviously different, and I hope you enjoy your groceries.

    1. I do wish my money would have been cash, or just some kind of gift card you could use anywhere. But, it was free stuff so I couldn't say no. Although honestly Walmart was so stressful!

  3. Not bad for a quick survey, and your post-shopping meal looks delicious!
    Oh my goodness, such a floofy belly!

  4. I want to smooch that belleh floof!
    That is awesome that you got a gift card for doing the survey. Looks like you made some good use of it.
    And if that sauce you mentioned is too spicy for you, I can only imagine it would melt me if I even thought about looking at the bottle!

  5. haha! Something similar happened to my parents. When they were young and poor they had that TV viewing survey and their TV broke, and didn't have any money to buy a new one. So they had nothing to log. Sadly they didn't win any gift cards lol


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