Monday, October 30, 2017

Work Stuff

Has anyone ever seen yellow/orange poinsettias before? We got these at work the other day and they are apparently called autumn leaves poinsettias. I'm just so used to seeing the deep red that I don't know how I feel about these. They do look like fall leaves though.
I also took this picture at work. I was putting some go backs away and had to laugh because right as the Halloween candy ends the Christmas candy begins. I swear that sometime in my lifetime it will just be a constant push for Christmas all year.
I tried these pumpkin seeds the other day as a little at work snack. They're dry roasted with some seasonings and spices including cayenne. The name is definitely right, they are somewhat spicy. What I like the most is the really light and crispy texture. I forgot how much I love pumpkin seeds!
I've now tried three flavors of the Forager cashewgurt. This is hands down the best vegan yogurt. I just can't get over the creamy texture. Yogurt is a great snack to have at work because I can eat it quickly and as long as I've eaten enough before work it tides me over until I get home. So thank you Forager project for making a delicious vegan yogurt. Or yogurt alternative as they say on the package.
A whole post about work stuff. Yikes!


  1. Those flowers are beautiful! I can't say as I have seen them yet tho! But I think they are gorgeous! I can't wait to find a Poinsettia that isn't poisonous to cats!

    1. They are pretty, but I'm so used to them being a very deep red. But they are pretty.

  2. The encroachment of Christmas is a real problem! Ha! I love the holiday season, but I'd like it to start just after Thanksgiving. None of this early holiday crap! :-) That yogurt is the best, and I love those seeds. Have you had the Super Spicy ones? They're SUPER spicy!

    1. That's when I like it to start, just after Thanksgiving.
      I haven't seen the super spicy seedz. I can only imagine how spicy they are because the somewhat spicy ones have a kick!

  3. Halloween is tomorrow, and over the weekend they were already putting out the peppermint treats at Trader Joe's. Holy moly, slow down! Ha ha!

    I'll have to check out the Forager brand!

    1. The Forager yogurt is seriously life changing. I had all but given up on vegan yogurt! I just tried the vanilla bean and it was such a treat!!!

  4. The only holiday I am happy with seeing things pop up early for is Easter, because I just love Hot Cross Buns and I am more than happy to eat them from Boxing Day through until Easter Monday. The longer I can get them, the better!

    I have never seen the orange flower before, I have only ever seen red as well. They kind of look like they are sick because I expect them to be red.

    1. That's what I thought when I first saw them, like these are some seriously anemic flowers! But people sem to be loving them, we're almost sold out!

  5. That's so great the yogurt sounds like the perfect solve to have something easy during your work day!
    The halloween to christmas acceleration is totally rediculous- and it makes me wonder if i buy any actual Christmas foods near, ya know, christmas, were they actually made back in September to be boxed and shipped out by mid October...?
    I will confess that the first time i see the vegan stuffed roast at trader joe's i will buy two, they're a lot cheaper than any other brand and i get a lot of meals from one- and they freeze well (i slice and then wrap and freeze the individual slices)

    1. I love the roast at Trader Joe's! Even though I've been gluten free I will cheat and have some this year!And you're right, it's definitely the best price!

  6. Those poinsettias make me feel icky. Did you know that poinsettias for christmas are totally a marketed thing? My boss is really into flowers and gardening and was mentioning how they are a tropical flower and need to be grown in green houses. I guess big flower (haha I like that name) is trying to expand the poinsettias market by changing the colors.

    1. That's crazy! I always assumed they were a winter flower because you only see them during the holidays! I love that name too! People are buying them which is weird to me but I guess their plan is working.


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