Friday, October 20, 2017

Trying New Things

Yesterday I had to run some errands before work, and I found myself in a shopping plaza that had a Whole Foods. You guys know I don't shop there because I can't really afford to. But recently I've been reading about Amazon buying Whole Foods and lowering the prices. From what I could see it's really happening! I noticed that the bananas were only $.49 cents a pound and $.79 for organic. Both prices are cheaper than I've seen anywhere else. All in all I'm glad I checked it out, but I'll probably stick to my Trader Joe's/ Natural Grocers/Sprouts routine. I did pick up a few fun things
Chipotle hummus,frozen raspberries,avocado,cashew yogurt, potatoes, orange, kombucha, iced tea,bananas,carrots,chocolate, tater tots,tofu, turmeric root and ginger root
I also had a second booch that I drank while waiting for the bus. I spent about twenty five dollars which isn't bad, especially for Whole Foods!

I need to talk about this cashewgurt. I've seen this on a few Instagram posts, and have never seen it anywhere, even Sprouts. I finally saw it yesterday in the little vegan yogurt section and I knew I had to try it. It was about $1.69 a container which isn't cheap, but it also isn't super expensive like I had suspected. I took this with me to work as a little snack and guys, this is hands down the best vegan yogurt I've had period. It has a wonderful texture, it's thick but not too thick and it's so creamy on the tongue. It's sweet but not too sweet, and has a great natural strawberry flavor. I wanted the cup to last forever! This yogurt alone is worth a special trip to Whole Foods. I want more right now as I'm typing this!! This yogurt is seriously AHMAZING!!!!
When I got home from work I heated up some tots and had them with this chipotle hummus I found on sale. It's made in Colorado and it is really, really good. Remember how I fell in love with the chipotle veganaise? Well this is the hummus version. It's spicy with just the right amount of smoky. Absolutely delicious. Hummus and tots might sound weird, but don't knock it till you try it!


  1. Great finds as always! I'm not sure if I have noticed lower prices at WFs YET but maybe soon. NOT that I often shop there but when I am around one I do like to stop and see what's there. I know 2 weeks ago when we went I think we spent $60. Blah! But then again...$12 of it was DH's bulk candy LOL!!!! Anyhow...I hope we have time to stop on Monday when we visit Buffalo with my parents. Time will tell!

    1. I know I read that the price change didn't happen overnight at all stores, it's happening gradually. Some of the prices are still high, but that's for the vegan specialty items which are pricey anywhere.

  2. I have read a lot about the amazon whole foods acquisition and you will see on signs at WF specific very popular items that are now competitive prices. There is a new WF in my neighborhood now and it's all about strategy and sales when i go- i really like the 365 brand frozen meatless balls which are $4 a bag, about the same price as trader joe's. The sale prices can be awesome, and i love the bulk bins. But it's a short list of specific things i buy there.
    I have seen that yogurt and honestly have had soooo many bad vegan yogurts i just passed it by but I'll have to try it now!
    Tater tots are good with anything. Hummus is good with everything. So yeah, why not together??

    1. I feel the same way about vegan yogurts. Even the kite hill which people love was a let down to me. But the cashew yogurt had such a smooth and creamy texture, and no weird aftertaste. I will definitely buy it again. If you try it, let me know what you think!

  3. Potato Gems are the best! I don't think I have tried them with hummus before, but it makes sense.
    I love Wholefoods when I am in the US, but yes indeed it is expensive. I always spend so much money there buying goodies to bring home!
    I want that yoghurt!

    1. The cashew yogurt blew my mind. It is seriously creamy and smooth and perfect. I wouldn't change a thing. I hope you get it soon. If not, next time your in the U.S. you know you can find it at Whole Foods! With lower prices!

  4. $1.69 isn't cheap but it isn't that bad of a deal for that brand. They are always $2 and I tried it once because it was on sale for 99 cents. (and that was only one flavor) And yeah- it is soooo yummy!


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