Sunday, October 1, 2017

Sunday Stuff

This was my snack/dinner the other night at work. As I mentioned in my last post I don't really get a meal break and I usually just eat when I get home. But the other night I needed something so this is pretty much all I could find. Sun Chips aren't gluten free, but the gluten free selection where I work is very limited and way overpriced. The taco inspired hummus from Sabra is definitely my least favorite of all their flavors, but it was fine in a pinch. It's too heavy on a spice, maybe taco or chili seasoning?
I finally made it to Trader Joe's and Natural Grocers the other day. I couldn't be happier to have Green Dragon sauce again. My food tastes so much better now! This was all under twenty five dollars.
I had to stock up on the Live kombucha since the awesome sale was only for September. They had the mini Hail Merry tarts on sale as well as the Newman's own peanut butter cups which are my favorite. Justin's gets all the love, but I love Newman! I didn't even know Hail Merry made little mini tarts. The meyer lemon tarts are incredible!!
I stopped by Harmon's for cat food yesterday and saw these breakfast patties on sale and decided to treat myself. I haven't had any plant meats in what feels like forever! So many have gluten, or they are just too expensive for me. I've heard this brand makes delicious veggie burgers so I felt safe trying them.
I served some up with some potatoes last night. I've been seasoning my oven fries with this Creole seasoning I found on clearance for $.49. It is my new favorite seasoning! The sausages are delicious. Really great flavor and texture. I highly recommend!
Look at that horrendous kitchen lighting! That's the really bad thing about eating later with no natural light! I dipped my fries in chipotle veganaise and dipped the patties in yellow mustard. Delicious!
Here is what I had for breakfast yesterday. Black beans and rice. These Cuban style black beans from Trader Joe's are seriously delicious and a steal at only $.99 a can. I topped the dish with Green Dragon sauce and a dollop of the taco humus. It would have been better without the hummus but I'm trying to use it all up.
Look at these two sweet goofs. Joan and Etta don't cuddle very often so this was really a special moment.
I want to thank everyone for the support and kind words. I really need it. I'm trying to adjust to this night schedule and it's sooooo hard. I just feel so drained and out of sorts. I just keep hoping that as I'm there longer maybe some day shifts will open up, or something better comes along.
I hope to get back on a regular posting schedule too. I'm super sad because it's Vegan Mofo and I totally forgot to sign up!!!! AHH LIFE! Oh well, I always enjoy reading all the great posts!


  1. I forgot to sign up for MoFo too!! Why does life get in the way of everything?! I love Sun Chips, I haven't had them in so long. That Sabra flavor does sound really strange. Hooray, Trader Joe's to the rescue!! What a great haul with a great price tag. The black beans and rice bowl looks amazing, I'll have to try those out!

    You are doing awesome with the new schedule, I hope that day shifts open up for you though!

    1. I don't know why life gets in the way but it's so frustrating!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who forgot about MoFo!
      The Cuban black beans are sooooooooo good!!
      I am sooo hoping for day shifts. Night shifts are killing me!

  2. Every year I think "I should have signed up for Vegan MOFO" but have discovered that autumn is always too busy for me. I hope you do it next year, and I will live vicariously through you!

    I love Natural Grocers! It's so cool that they are also in Utah. I wonder where else, outside of our states!

    1. I took a break from Mofo last year, and promised myself I was going to do it this year. UUUUGH!
      I know that there are Natural Grocers in Nevada, but I'm not sure about where else. They definitely aren't in Seattle or on the east coast. I love their clearance section!!

  3. You need to start packing a nice vegan quickie meal before you go to work. Sounds like the pickins are pretty slim on the shelves where you work. Love Etta's little head on Joan's butt.

    1. I thin about taking food to work, but with only ten minutes and the fact that our break room is right by the restrooms so customers are always trying to sit at the table and chat makes me prefer just not eating at work. I don't like to have small talk with strangers while eating. Not to mention getting grilled because I'm not eating "normal" food.
      Joan and Etta never cuddle like that so it was definitely extra cute and special!

    2. I was just thinking you could eat the food you bring from home in the same place you ate the Sunchips.

    3. Sadly for me I ate the sun chips while watching the self checkout line. But you're right, it would be better to eat real food. Most days I'm okay waiting until I get home, but some days I just feel like I need to eat!

    4. That stinks. Kind-of rude of customers, I mean it sounds like you are in a different room. I would never stick my head in a random room at store. I like to eat in peace, plus 10 minutes isn't much time to eat your food sometimes.

    5. Unfortunately the break room is the room at the top of the stairs and customers have to walk through to get to the restrooms. It's so annoying!!

  4. What a cute little cuddle pile.
    I'm sorry, I just read in the comments above that if you sit at the staff table to eat customers will stop and chat? What is wrong with them?

  5. Taco hummus, what will they think of next? Haha. The breakfast patties look really good! Awww, Joan & Etta, how sweet! :)

  6. I've never seen those veggie patties before! I'll have to keep an eye out.

    1. They're so good! I have never seen this brand before. Not sure where they're from.


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