Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Has anyone tried the new So Delicious vegan shreds? I've seen a few pictures on Instagram of people using it, and it looks pretty melt-y and people seem to like it. I also saw the new daiya shreds a couple of weeks ago. New and improved taste and melt and all of that.
It seems like every week there is a new plant cheese and it makes me so happy. It shows me that even though we have such a long way to go, progress is being made. It's obviously not just vegans buying these cheeses. Progress is always a good thing.
I was a little under the weather yesterday, so even though I had the day off I didn't have the desire to do a lot of cooking. I made a lot of carrot orange juice, took a ginger detox bath and had a simple dinner of marinated tofu and Jasmine rice. I marinated to tofu in a mixture of soyaki sauce, Gyoza dipping sauce and sriracha. I also added sriracha to the top of the dish. I'm feeling a little better today, still not back to feeling one hundred percent better, but at least I feel like a human being.
So far fall here in SLC has been weirdly cold. I've had to turn my heat on several times already. Last winter I noticed that Joan likes to lay on the vents and get all the heat. But now Kanye has decided to follow suit.


  1. I hope you are feeling better soon. <3
    Dim Sim loves sitting in front of any heat vent. Though we are in summer now, so no heaters will be on for a long time!

    1. Thank you. I am slowly improving, but not soon enough. Being sick is the worst!!
      I'm so happy to be done with summer to be honest. I dread winter but that heat was too much!

  2. Are the Daiya shreds new and improved??? I think the last time I purchased them was over six months ago. That packaging looks different than I remember. They were okay but perhaps they're better now. Also, I must mention, all your tofu lately looks delish.

    1. Yes, I noticed on the bag that they say new and improved flavor and texture. The last time I bought daiya it was in the original package so I don't know if the new daiya is better. But I did buy the cheddar slices awhile ago and was surprised that they tasted good cold which is never the case for daiya.
      I have definitely improved my tofu baking skills!!

  3. Haven't seen the Daiya shreds yet. But I got the So Delicious.... so far not impressed but I have only tried it sparingly in a quesadilla. Maybe I will try on a pizza soon.

    1. I've only seen the new daiya shreds at that one store.But I did try the block not too long ago and the taste really was improved.
      I really hated the So Delicious boxed mac and cheese so I'm kind of scared of the shreds to be honest!

  4. Haven't seen the So Delicious shreds yet; I'll keep an eye out! Hope you're feeling better soon! Cute Kanye learning from Joan!

    1. This cold is holding on for dear life!! Kanye has definitely learned how to be a heat hog from Joan!!

  5. I hope you are feeling better now, the change of seasons always seem to spread around colds. I gave up on vegan cheese a long time ago. I will buy a fancy nut based cheese once or twice a year to bring to a party (always a big hit!) but maybe it's time i give it another try, i'll keep an eye out for those new daiya shreds

    1. I tried one of daiya's new block cheeses awhile ago and it really was tasty. I even ate some cold which is normally a huge no no with daiya and it was delicious!
      But I'm with you, I rarely buy vegan cheese because it's so expensive.


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