Monday, October 23, 2017

Sweet Potato Cheese Sauce

We all know I love potatoes. I love cooking with and eating potatoes. And I also feel my best when I'm eating a potato heavy diet. But I don't cook with or eat sweet potatoes that often. Truth be told they're not my favorite. I always see pictures and recipes on Instagram and they look so beautiful but for me they don't compare to a regular old potato. I decided to pick up a bag of sweet potatoes while I was at Trader Joe's the other day. I want to try to find a few ways to enjoy them because they are so good for us. Since I've had good luck making cauliflower cheese sauces, I decided to make a sweet potato cheese sauce. I went simple for my first try, but will definitely be adding other seasonings and flavors when I make this again. I wrote down what I did too. It turned out creamy and savory and really delicious. It looks like a cheese sauce made out of velveeta to be honest.
                                                            Sweet Potato Cheese Sauce
  • 2 Small or 1 Large Sweet Potato Chopped
  • 2 Cloves Garlic
  • 1/2 Red Onion Chopped
  • dash salt and pepper
  • 5 T. Nutritional Yeast
  • 1/4 tsp. Salt
  • 1/4 Tsp. Pepper
  • 3/4 C. reserved cooking liquid
  • 1/2 to 3/4 C. Canned Lite Coconut Milk
Boil the sweet potato, onion, garlic with a dash of salt and pepper until soft. I boiled mine for about twenty minutes. Reserve 3/4 of the cooking liquid, drain the rest. Add the cooked potato, onion and garlic to your blender with the cooking liquid, the coconut milk and the seasonings and blend until smooth and creamy.

The canned coconut milk gives a little extra creaminess and fattiness to the sauce. And because of the onion and garlic and nooch it has a great savory flavor, it's hard to guess that the sauce is made out of sweet potatoes!
I stirred mine with some gluten free pasta for a really creamy mac and cheese. It coated the noodles perfectly and was a super comforting dinner. I definitely would not have guessed this was made with sweet potatoes if I hadn't made it myself! Adding a little smoked paprika and green chilis would make a wonderful Queso cheese sauce!

Here's Kanye hogging the heat in the bathroom! This is from a night last week when I got up to use the bathroom and it was so cold, then I went out to the living room and it was so cold, and I noticed Joan was hogging the heat in the living room!
I know it's dark and fuzzy, but I had to show it. These two little stinkers just love the vents being on the floor! Such little dorks!


  1. My goodness, that cheese sauce looks yummy! Definitely going to try to make some with green chilies and paprika for queso dip. Does it taste like coconut at all with the coconut milk? So cute that your kitties are hogging the heat. My fat cat Snowy likes to sit on the rug in front of the fridge to feel the heat coming out from the fan underneath. So cute!

    1. I can't taste the coconut. I notice a lot less coconut flavor with the lite coconut milk.
      It would make the perfect queso dip because it's the perfect color!
      Isn't it so cute how they love the warmth! I wish I could afford an apartment with a fire place!

  2. This looks so good! I love sweet potatoes, but I agree that they are not a sub for potatoes... when I want potatoes I want white starchy goodness!

    1. Nothing can ever compare to a delicious white potato that's for sure!

  3. That looks amazing!! It really does look like authentic cheese sauce because of that color. Except it's natural and you can't get better than that! I do like sweet potatoes but I definitely have to be in the mood for them :)

    1. That was my first thought was the color!
      I'm definitely trying to learn to love or at least like sweet potatoes since I know they are so healthy.

  4. I need to try this ASAP!!!! Thanks !

  5. Another recipe I definitely must try; it looks amazing! Kanye and Joan are way too cute with the heating vents, haha!


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