Saturday, October 28, 2017

Bitchin Dude

Yesterday I was at Petco again getting a new cat litter scooper. And of course since the new and improved Whole Foods is in the same plaza I stopped in to get some more of the cashewgurt I fell in love with last week. It's so nice to know that I can afford to pick up a few things at Whole Foods! My haul isn't that exciting but here it is anyway!
Cashewgurt, fresh turmeric, carrots,Pumpkin spice latte,Justin's cups,orange,frozen strawberries,kombucha,bananas,avocado,sriracha tofu, regular tofu, Justin's peanut butter packet
I was going to get a single size Califia Farms coffee to take to work, but the single size was $2.99 and the big pumpkin spice guy was on sale for $3.99! I have been avoiding caffeine since I found out about my hypothyroidism, but with these late hours I'm working sometimes I need a boost. My body is not adjusting to this schedule at all.
So this time I decided to try the lemon cashewgurt. That is our dingy break room in the background. I am obsessed with this yogurt. In my experience vegan yogurt goes from meh to really bad, and it's never really worth the cost. This is definitely the star of the vegan yogurt world. The texture is nice and smooth and creamy and there is no weird aftertaste. If you see this yogurt anywhere I really encourage you to try it. It reminds me of dairy yogurt and I mean that as a compliment. I used to love yogurt and I rarely have it as a vegan because they have all disappointed me until now.
I've always wanted to try this sauce, but the price has always turned me off. It's made with almonds and nooch and just a few other ingredients so I always planned on just trying to make it myself. Well shockingly we started carrying it at work and it was on sale. At first I was torn because I'm trying not to buy anything at work because I don't really like the company so I don't want to support them. But I also want to support them becoming more vegan friendly. I decided to go ahead and give it a try.You guys, this stuff is AHMAZING! It's thick, almost like hummus if hummus were made with almonds. And the pesto has a great fresh basil flavor. Like I want to live in the tub of bitchin sauce. It's creamy and cheese-y and just serious YUM.

It looks pretty blah with my crappy kitchen lighting, but trust me this was a thrown together meal that made me lick my bowl! If I were still eating bread a baguette and this sauce could easily be dinner. I don't know what I'm going to do with the original, but I can't wait to try it.
As I mentioned my sleeping is super thrown off and I struggle some mornings. These little snuggle monsters don't make the struggle any easier.
Happy Caturday!


  1. Whatta ya mean? That's a damn exciting haul! Yum. I love your honesty about the company you work for but it is nice they are attempting to be vegan friendly. I hope to try that cashewgurt soon. I'm blown away by that salted caramel cluster cashew milk ice cream, which is the closest thing I've found to ice cream. Almond milk ice cream just doesn't do it for me.

    1. I love the salted caramel cluster ice cream too! Have you tried any ice creams made with coconut milk? They are also super rich and creamy.

  2. That bitchin sauce sounds amazing! I know what you mean about wanting to encourage places to carry vegan food, but not always wanting to support the place itself!

    1. The bitchin sauce is sooooo good! The pesto especially has a really wonderful flavor that makes you want to lick the bowl!
      It is so tough sometimes deciding what is the right thing to do!

  3. I tried the strawberry cashew yogurt yesterday and it is SO delicious!! Totally great flavor and texture too. I'm excited they have a plain unsweetened version so i can use it for creamy dips without making my own cashew cream.
    Great find with the bitchin sauce! And although the store you work at my be somewhere you don't want to support (i don't blame you) it's great that they are carrying vegan options to help expose more people to vegan groceries they wouldn't necessarily seek out.
    I hope your store finally sold out of pumpkins so your back gets a break!

    1. That is exciting they have an unsweetened plain version. It's actually been hard for me to find plain unsweetened vegan yogurt.
      One more day of pumpkin slinging. Unfortunately today will probably be pumpkin central!

  4. I totally agree! DAMN exciting haul! Mine have been AWFUL lately! I think I have only bought like 4 things in 2 weeks! LOL

    1. Sometimes it's hard to squeeze in groceries! But I swear you are the queen of making something out of nothing!!

  5. I love price comparing with you. $2.99 isn't too bad for the small Califia. I see then most around $3.20+ at various stores. BUT all the sudden Whole Foods started to sell them for like $2.20 and it didn't look like it was on sale. I feel like they should be sold for $2. Supposidly Starbucks is going to start making almond milk drinks, so I wonder what the price will be. I need to get that pumpkin spice latte next week before they go.


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