Monday, October 2, 2017


I took some time off from eating kitchari, but I'm back on the kitchari train. It's a perfect meal for me to have because it really fills me up and sticks with me. Since I go a very long time without eating at work I need a stick to your ribs kind of meal before work. This batch was made with curry powder and coconut milk and topped with tons of sriracha. Delicious!
I could bring food to work and speed eat on my ten minute break, but our break room is right by the public restrooms and so customers are constantly traipsing through the room and trying to strike up conversations that I don't want to have, especially if I'm trying to quickly cram food in my mouth. People!
I've been eating a lot of meals like this. Sorry for the horrible kitchen lighting. I marinated this tofu in Trader Joe's soyaki sauce all day while I was at work. When I got home I just baked it with some scallions and crushed red pepper. I had an avocado that was perfectly ripe so I plunked that on top of the tofu. Super easy and super delicious. I always love the baked tofu by Wildwood and also Trader Joe's, but I rarely buy it because it's like double or triple the price of plain tofu. And it's a one pan meal so super easy clean up.
Who doesn't want to be part of this cluster? I have the day off and it's a rainy cool day and I don't feel the greatest so I'm staying in, making soup and cuddling with my girls. I know they'll be super happy to snuggle.
Happy Monday!


  1. Fluffy kitty pile! I'm glad you'll have some time to relax and cuddle with your girls. Everything looks amazing, I would never think to add avocado to tofu but that sounds amazing!

    Enjoy your day off!

    1. Avocado and tofu actually go really well together.I usually have them together but also with rice, and I'm happy to report they don't need the rice!
      Days off go toooooo fast don't they????

  2. I just want to curl up in that pool of kittens.
    Again, I am horrified that people would think it is OK to talk to someone on their break and interrupt them eating.

    1. I know, it's the worst. And since I am at my place of work and these are customers I can't say please leave me alone. It's very frustrating.

  3. I hope you had a nice day off and got lots of kitty cuddles!

  4. Soyaki and tofu are the most perfect combo ever! That's really lame that the break room is so awkward. Is there somewhere to sit outside for a bit? I hope you bring a sturdy snack with you so you don't go all day without food, i know i just have a major energy crash and get hangry when it's been too long!


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