Monday, October 9, 2017

Vegan Stuff

I picked up a few groceries at work last night since I didn't make it to Trader Joe's over the weekend. I will be getting groceries this week, but I needed a few things to tide me over. I was so impressed with the Bombay burgers from Dr. Praeger that I decided to try the kale veggie burgers. Someone on Instagram mentioned they were amazing. I also decided to get the last container of the coconut seven layer bar. It's on sale and it was the last container so I had to get it! I haven't seen any of the new B&J flavors anywhere else which is so weird because as I've mentioned the store I work at is definitely not a vegan mecca.
When I got home from work last night I made some Asian slaw, Jasmine rice and baked a kale burger to go on top. Like the Bombay burger the patty is chock full of veggies you can see. This burger is also rather green so you know they aren't lying about the kale! I have to be honest these are not as amazing as the Bombay burgers. They are pretty greasy. I baked mine in the oven with no oil and it was sizzling in there like it was bathed in oil. If I'm going to eat that much oil I'd rather have a Beyond or Field Roast burger. It also was much mushier than the Bombay burger. It does taste good, very very vegetal. The Bombay burger remains my favorite of the Dr. Praeger line.
This is the little corner of my bedroom that everyone hides in when I vacuum. It really needs to be vacuumed but I never have the heart to scare them away from their safety zone. This is how they settled in. Afro is like Kanye's best friend and protector. So sweet!


  1. They are clinging to each other, protecting themselves from the dread vacuum cleaner! Sweet kitties. <3

    1. I know they're so dramatic!!Kanye loves to cuddle so the vacuum is a perfect excuse to crowd someone!

  2. Is that Etta edging in from the edge of the frame? Such cutie-pies. I remember when my Sweet-pea was dying, we didn't vacuum the house for over a month because it wasn't worth upsetting her. With six cats, you can imagine the carpeting looked pretty dire, but we didn't care at all. Fortunately, we never have company (except my sister, who couldn't care less). We're down to only four kitties since we lost two in June and it feels strangely lonely.

    1. I'm so so sorry. Two cats in one month that's so difficult I can't imagine. I definitely know what you mean about the loneliness.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yeah, it was pretty awful. We knew Sweetpea was pretty much living on borrowed time from December (when she was diagnosed with an grossly enlarged heart), so we felt like the extra six months was a gift. But then very suddenly, Cleo (who we "inherited" when the neighbors moved away and left her behind 2 summers ago) was diagnosed with squamous cell oral cancer, which is very aggressive. She made it about 3 weeks after the diagnosis and beat Sweetpea to the Rainbow Bridge by exactly a week. It was all weird and disturbing how quickly it all happened. I still feel distraught about it sometimes.

  4. What the heck that your job doesn't offer some kind of employee discount on groceries?? I know most grocery stores offer between 15-20% for employees. Can you ask your manager about that? It's very strange to not offer any discount at all.

    I really dislike all dr praeger's (too mooshy) but you have totally talked me into trying the bombay version, i will be on the lookout for when those go on sale!
    Obviously that last ben and jerry's was meant to be yours.

    1. They don't offer any ind of discount. Can you believe that? They don't even give us the option of buying things that are close to the expiration date. It's very strange.
      The Bombay burgers are still kind of mooshy but way less mooshy than the other flavors. And the flavor is so delicious I didn't mind the moosh!

  5. I cannot get over the cuteness of the cuddle corner! :D

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