Sunday, July 19, 2015

I'm Finding All the Vegan Deals!

Vegan Korean BBQ chicken! Rice Noodle Ramen with Miso!
I have made more trips to Target this past week than ever in my life! When you move cross country, with only a few essentials, there are so many random things you need. I feel like I will never be caught up. I had to peruse their frozen aisle, to see what vegan goodies I could find! They had the Sweet Earth Burritos, tons of Gardein products (including meatballs I didn't even know existed!) They also had a fairly large amount of Amy's vegetarian and vegan foods. Target also makes it;s own line of vegan frozen faux meats, or substitutes, or whatever you want to call them. I saw the Korean BBQ chicken back in PA. and was curious, but yesterday I decided to buy a package. I was going to try some for dinner, so I could give a review, but it was too hot to turn on the oven. They have several flavors, including a mushroom miso meatless turkey, and Teriyaki Meatless chicken. I am pleased to report that there were three empty spots where I assume the other flavors live. I got one of three packages left of the BBQ. It makes me happy when vegan items are sold out because I think of how many people aren't eating animals. And I know a lot of non-vegans flirt with vegan foods, and we have come soooooo far when it comes to vegan meats and cheeses. The meatless chicken is made out of  soy protein, and other normal, not too funky of ingredients. I'm not saying it's health food, I'm simply saying it isn't toxic either. The Rice Ramen I got for any emergency noodle cravings that could come up.
I haven't spotted my favorite bread yet, so I decided to try Eureka! bread. I had never heard of it, and it was two dollars cheaper than other similar breads. I got Seeds the Day, and it is amazing! This is the Hulk of breads. It has flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, black and white sesame seeds, and poppy seeds. I made a big cold veggie sandwich for dinner with red and fresh banana peppers, lettuce, cucumber, hummus, relish, and mustard, and the sandwich stayed intact! It has a good hearty taste that reminds me of my hippie mom (in the best way possible.) I'm eager to try the other varieties, not sure if they are all vegan or not, so read labels! Give it a try if you can find it, and enjoy heartier breads.
Speaking of great vegan deals, I have to talk about Trader Joe's vegan shreds. I mentioned that they pass the Dylan taste test(paws up) and also the taste and meltability impressed a picky non vegan when used on a pizza, and also a pasta dish. It's also cheaper than any vegan cheese I've ever seen, even the grody ones. I only saw Mozzarella, not sure if they have cheddar or other flavors. I know it isn't daiya, so I'm not sure which cheese it is, but this stuff really does melt like a dream. It looks the most authentic when your pizza comes out of the oven. It also has a mild taste, so it's really more of a texture thing. I smelled it cold, and there is no way I will be tasting it cold. I have Chao, and the new FYH slices for that purpose. I think I paid $2.99 for the bag, which is almost half of the cost of daiya. Well worth it, especially if you want to impress some non-vegans.


  1. You certainly sound a million times happier these days. Even thinking of trying to impress non-vegans now!

  2. I truly didn't realize how lonely and depressed I was in PA. I feel like a new person. Everywhere I go here I see things of beauty, whether it's wild blackberries, huge Evergreen trees, Mt. Rainier, or all this vegan food, beauty is everywhere. I guess this is what it feels like to go home! I am trying to pay as much attention as I can to what vegan foods pass the non vegan taste test.I am more inspired than ever to do my part to make this life a better one for animals!

  3. Replies
    1. I never knew Target was so vegan friendly!!


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