Friday, July 10, 2015

I Need Some Good Vibes Please!!

I have had the worst day ever so far. When I woke up this morning to feed the herd, Dylan seemed to be having a seizure while everyone was eating. We rushed him to a vet, who turned us away because we didn't have an appointment, and they sent us on a wild goose chase to find another vet. We went to a second vet, and they started to turn us away, until I said very loudly "my cat is having effing seizures". At that point the receptionist said "oh we take emergencies". The vet said he is dehydrated, and possibly suffering kidney damage/failure. They're keeping him overnight to do blood work, possible x-rays, and the whole nine. To see my best friend for the past sixteen years of my life in pain and suffering is just unbearable. I feel so many things right now, and I feel so horrible that he is alone for all of this. He has been the best friend I could ever ask for. He has put up with me bringing in countless strays into our home, countless moves, and crappy apartments. And he has never gotten mad at me, or held a grudge. At the end of the day, he just wants to cuddle with me. I love him more than anything or one in this world. They said they wanted to keep him overnight, so I guess I'll know more later today, or tomorrow morning. The vet said she could only feel on kidney, and I know he has two, so I don't know what's going on. I wish I could give him one of my kidneys. Please send some healing energy Dylan's way,  we need all the good energy we can get. I hope my next post has much better news, and it finds Dylan on the mend, and hogging up my lap.


  1. OMG I'm so sorry to hear this! My thoughts, prayers, and positive vibes are with you and your family! It's the worst feeling in the world for our furkids to go thru these times!

  2. Thank you so much! I am devastated, and you're right, it's the worst feeling ever. I will e-mail you my info later today when I've calmed down a little. Thanks for the good energy!

  3. I have lost several cats to kidney failure. It is excruciating to watch. rich folks can afford a transplant for their cats, but then there is the anti-rejection meds for the rest of their lives. Just gotta keep Dylan hydrated and comfortable. I'm sorry.

  4. Thank you. I'm hoping the I.V and whatever else they do helps, and when I get him back I will be making his life as comfortable as possible. Thank you so much.

  5. Sending the best healing vibes of the universe!. Hoping Dylan recovers quickly and can get back to enjoying his Coco-Whip ��

  6. Thank you so much! I spoke to the vet last night, and she said he was doing better since getting fluids, and he wanted to eat, so that's a good sign. She was reading off a list of levels from his blood work, and his levels were all off, and she doesn't know why. Thank you for the good vibes, and when Dylan is back bugging for Coco whip, he will thank you too!


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