Monday, July 13, 2015

Homeless no More!!

Today is going to be a very short post because I am finally moving into my new place! Dylan is with me, and he is doing much better, I still have to get some tests done on him, but his appetite is back, and he is feeling like a frisky, spry old man again! I've had so much drama surrounding finding an apartment, and then with Dylan, it's been a lot. I am so emotionally drained I can't even hardly form a complete sentence. I am going to sign the lease, and move in today, so THIS IS HAPPENING!! I might not be able to post tomorrow if I haven't set up internet yet, so I will be back on Wednesday with full details of everything! Thanks again for all the positive energy, I really felt it, and my handsome little guy does too!
Happy Monday to everyone!


  1. Break out the Catnip and CoCo Whip!

    1. It's going to be a partay for sure!! Dylan demands Coco whip! Snickerdoodle cashew milk ice cream up for review soon!!

  2. Congrats on the new place! So glad to hear the lil one is doing better!

  3. Thank you! I really can't believe everything that has happened, but I
    m so glad we are all together!


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