Monday, April 19, 2021

Big Old Vegan Sprouts Haul!

 I have a larger than usual Sprouts haul this week. I had a coupon for ten dollars off purchases of seventy five dollars or more. I normally don't spend that much at Sprouts, because when you get past the produce section they can get costly. But, it was a beautiful day and I took my time and got some good stuff!

Strawberries, Fry's vegan nuggets, pita bread, potatoes, oranges, spinach,Live booch soda, ice cream sandwiches, ginger turmeric tea

Tomato, bananas, mangoes, method cleaner, bath salts, treeline cream cheese,Oatly, sweet mini peppers, green onion, broccoli micro greens, tomato paste, refried beans, spring rolls, daiya shreds, onion, carrot, vegan pesto,lemon, booch, silk creamer

I also found my favorite hummus on a BOGO sale at Smith's, so I had to take advantage. I have tried several times to recreate the carrot sriracha hummus and I'm not even close!! It's so freaking good! 

I've been really bad about getting veggies in lately, especially greens. I plan on having a lot of pita, veggie and hummus sandwiches in my future. I always like veggies better when they're in bread for some reason!


  1. I saw you got some Fry's chicken nuggets, they are mu fave chicken nuggets! Have you had them before? I hope you like them.
