Tuesday, March 17, 2020

What I Ate to Calm My Nerves!

I've been feeling really queasy the last five days or so. Ever since I saw the state of the empty shelves and the way people are hoarding. My stomach is just in the worst knots. and even when I feel hungry, I'll take a few bites and then either feel ill or feel really full like I've stuffed myself. So, I've been trying to get in the nutrients any way I can. So, I figured I'll show what I'm eating to try and calm my nerves.
I started the day with this very green celery, romaine and pear juice. This actually calmed my stomach a bit.
I had some kitchari and a gluten free bagel with cream cheese for breakfast. I ate a little of the kitchari. and a few bites of the bagel, but my stomach got weird again. Also, this cream cheese is the worst!
While I appreciate Kroger/ Smith's / Fred Meyer coming out with more and more vegan options, they kin of need to be good and this just isn't. The texture is so freaking weird, kind of like whipped yogurt and the taste makes daiya look like it doesn't have a weird taste.
I don't know what I'm going to do with this container. I don't want it to go to waste, but she nasty. Someone on Instagram suggested I could use it for a creamy pasta sauce, but the taste is so blecch I don't know if I could hide it!! 0 out of ten do not recommend!
Tangerine, blood orange, ginger and carrot juice

Formally blackberry sage
For dinner I made some miso soup with tofu and rice. I added this chili sauce I found at the Asian market. It's pretty similar to sriracha maybe a tad sweeter. It's a ten out ten for me dawg!
The miso soup ca,med my stomach a bit.
Hopefully I feel better soon because I'd like to make some easy pantry recipes. I've lived at or below the poverty line for as long as I can remember, and I have a lot of lentil recipes up my sleeve!
And not to brag but I make a mean lentil soup!!!
I hope everyone is hanging in there!


  1. I'm sorry things are so hard. I've had some pretty severe digestive issues in the past, but rice and tofu more or less always worked for me.

    Meanwhile, I love lentils, but I don't eat them nearly often enough! I'll look forward to you sharing your ideas.

    1. Thank you. I'm so glad I was able to find tofu and rice!

  2. I hope you feel better soon, and I'm looking forward to your lentil recipes, too!

    1. Thank you! I already have one I'll be posting sometime soon!

  3. I actually love that Simple Truth cream cheese! There's something about that whipped texture that I like. If we lived closed, I'd take it off your hands.

    I'm a bit anxious as well, but I keep telling myself we'll get through this. And we'll come out stronger on the other side. There are so many negatives to this pandemic, but in a weird way, it's also bringing people together (despite the social distance). The whole world is in the same boat, which rarely ever happens. It's breaking down barriers at the same time we're building up barriers. Weird, but anyway, I'm always looking for the silver lining!

    1. I so wish I could give it to you!!! I don't want it to go bad, but I also don't know what to do with it!!!
      I appreciate you looking for the silver lining! I usually do the same, but I'm finding it difficult this time around, so I need to see other people doing it to remind me that there is a silver lining!

  4. That creamed cheese sounds rank. Yuck!
    It is such a strange, stressful time. I am surprised my IBS is not off the charts with everything going on. Looking after yourself with good, gentle food is excellent self care.


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