Friday, March 13, 2020

Moving On

I had a job interview near Whole Foods yesterday so I stopped in to pick up a few things. Whole Foods has their own brand of fizzy water and they have a ginger flavor which I love! I also got my beloved millet tots. And, most importantly I got the job!!
I've been really, really unhappy at Natural Grocers. I thought I would fit in and feel right at home at Natural Grocers, but it was quite the opposite. My main problem is for a store that is more expensive than Whole Foods you would think it would pay a liveable wage. It states in the handbook that the reason the founder came up with the vitamin bucks program is so that employees could afford a healthy lunch. It seems more logical to pay a liveable wage so people can have other meals besides lunch. And they pressure us to schill things like all the mushroom stuff and I refuse so it's always causing issues. Anyway, it doesn't matter because I am moving on!
It was a beautiful day and I needed some vitamin D so I walked home. I cut through a cute little neighborhood and saw this sign!!
To celebrate my new job I had some millet tots with jalapeno mustard and chipotle mayo for dinner. Thumbs up to whoever thought of millet tots!


  1. Congratulations, Hillary! When do you start?

    1. Thank you! I will be starting either next week or the week after.

  2. Congratulations! I keep telling myself I'm going to try millet.

    1. I've tried to cook millet and failed miserably! I think I added it to a soup one time and that kind of worke. But other than tot form I don't eat it myself!
      Although the stores are all out of rice so maybe we might all need to eat some millet!

    2. I was so glad I had five pounds of rice before the panic buying set in! I will now be holed up in my apartment for weeks and not worried about the rice situation. The pasta situation is less encouraging, but I believe we'll get through it.

  3. Congratulations on the new job!

  4. Congrats on the new job. That is great news.

  5. Congratulations on your new job; I'm so happy for you! <3


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