Sunday, March 22, 2020

Asain Market Haul!

I went to the Asian market for a few things yesterday. Last week it was pretty pleasant, yesterday was way more of a madhouse.
I also stopped at Winco for cat food, an it's so weird. They have a line of blue tape at each check stand, and you have to stand behind the tape until the person is completely one checking out. There are also signs basically saying to not talk to the cashier, and leave as soon as possible. Scary and weird times.
Here's the vegan meats freezer I mentioned. Thanks anonymous for telling me about the shrimp. I decided to skip trying anything because a) I don't even crave a lot of that stuff and b) it is more pricey than tofu, and I really can't afford to buy something and not like it. But it is awesome that this is available.
Enoki mushrooms, fuji apples, miso paste, Japanese sweet potato, lemons and limes, gluten free hoisin, tofu strip noodles(!!), carrots, soft, medium and firm tofu,yellow onions,reishi coffee,mandarins and oranges,spicy tofu, fried tofu, grapefruit,red onion, ginger
Even when things are back to normal, I need to remember to shop here more. I'm saving a lot of money by shopping here! Organic enoki mushrooms are only $.99!! Specialty mushrooms are so expensive at a regular grocery store!
Sorry this picture is so blurry, but look at Bubba and Kiki! If he quietly sneaks up while she
s sleeping he knows he won't get punched! We're still having good and bad ays, I never realized Kiki was such a possessive little fighter, but here we are!


  1. Looks like a nice variety in the vegan meats freezer! What do you plan to make with the tofu strip noodles?
    And wow, brave Bubba; I never expected to see him that close to Kiki!

    1. Well, I bought two packages of the tofu strips. I used one n some miso noodle soup, and I might try to stir fry the other package!
      I can't believe he was so brave, and that Kiki tolerate him being so close without punching him!

  2. Asian markets are great for getting a good variety of mushrooms. I've heard ours are less mad than the Western stores but I'm mostly not venturing out at all at this point so who knows?

    1. The Asian market here was a bit calmer, but it was definitely busier than usual. It's scary out there!

  3. I get all my non-regular mushrooms at Asian grocery stores, they have them at great prices. And so much other fun stuff!

    1. They do. I don't even know what some of the mushrooms are!!


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