Saturday, March 28, 2020

More Snow and Food!

I woke up to more snow this morning! And even though the big earthquake was two weeks ago, we've still been having aftershocks. I looked at a map and it showed we've had over two hundred! Some almost as big as the earthquake itself. It all just kind of adds to the general uneasiness.
I haven't been able to stock up on potatoes, but last week I did find four red potatoes at the Asian market. Here are two of them seasoned with Old Bay served with some mushroom bites I had in the freezer. Dipped in mustard and veganaise. Who ever imagined a time when potatoes and toilet paper would be such rare and precious jewels?
I made a Thai green curry the other night with tofu an enoki mushrooms. I also cooked about a half cup of red lentils until they were very soft, and then blended them with a can of coconut milk. My stomach has still been very testy and lentils are very soothing when it's acting up.
It's that glorious time of the month when my body is demanding chocolate, so I made some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies with almond flour. These turned out pretty close to perfect if I do say so myself. I really, really wish I would have written own the recipe, but I just threw everything in a bowl and hoped for the best.
Last night I made Kung Pao chickpeas. My favorite way to eat chickpeas besides hummus. I feel like beans are on the menu for a lot of people these days, vegan or not and this is a nice way to kind of change it up. Especially if tofu is hard to find in your area. I was pleasantly surprised to find some roasted peanuts in my freezer. They really add to the dish.
I'm thinking of everyone and hoping everyone is staying safe an sane. Between the constant sad news, the cheeto in chief being a total maniacal buffoon it's hard to keep it together. I'm grateful for this community and I hope everyone is hanging in there!


  1. Wow, hopefully the aftershocks will wrap up soon, how freaky! The Thai green curry looks amazing!

    1. I really hope so too. I didn't even know aftershocks could go on this long! Poor Joan gets so scared every time we have one!

  2. Rice, beans, toilet paper, potatoes,'s really weird out there but it appears to be stabilizing somewhat. I'm glad the Asian market had some potatoes for you!

    1. It is so weird. It's pretty scary. Here in SLC some stores have kin of caught up, but others still have really empty shelves.

  3. Waving from England. I'm about the enter week 4 of working from home, I started earlier than others cos of respiratory illness. The days are starting to feel more of a pattern. When not working I've discovered free audiobooks books from my library website and have been having You Tube discos in my living room for exercise. Thinking of you and sending lots of love xxx

    1. I've been thinking of you and thinking about how extra scary this must be for you. I'm so glad you can work from home!
      I'll have to see if my library has audiobooks on their website since they've been closed for almost a month now.
      I'm sending you love and hugs too!

  4. Replies
    1. He's the worst, and I feel bad for Cheetos making that comparison!

  5. Hi,Hillary🙂Any recipe for that Kung Pao chickpea dish?

    1. Hi! Yes, I used this recipe. I want to slather the sauce on EVERYTHING!!


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