Monday, March 2, 2020

Back to Basics

I started brewing my own kombucha a few months ago, but I still check the kombucha sections of any store I'm in for new flavors.
I've been a fan of Live kombucha for quite some time. Their Dr. Pepper knockoff is one of my favorites. So, I was excited to see a new to me cherry cola flavor at Sprouts. As a bonus it was on sale so I couldn't resist.
I was never really a soda drinker, but when I did have a soda I loved Dr. Pepper or a good cherry cola. I really don't know how Live does it, they really make every soda flavored booch taste like the soda. I will definitely buy this again! As a bonus, Live is one of the least expensive kombuchas!
At the start of the year I was feeling so motivated to try new recipes and it felt like I was getting my kitchen mojo back. Now, as we start the third month of the year I'm losing it a bit. I'm kind of back to making versions of my four or five favorite meals.
This is of course a rice bowl with spicy peanut sauce. I like to bake my tofu and then toss it with chili onion crunch from Trader Joe's. So, so good!


  1. Your rice and tofu bowls always look so good!

  2. I really need to make a rice bowl with spicy peanut sauce again sometime soon; it's been too long!

  3. It can be hard to maintain kitchen mojo as we wait for a lot of foods to come back in season. If you're eating good food, it shouldn't matter too much. You'll get it back, I think!

  4. That Live booch is SO GOOD!!! The Dr Pepper one is my fave too. Your tofu peanut sauce bowl looks perfect.


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