Friday, March 20, 2020

It Keeps getting Weirder!!

On Wednesday morning around seven am Utah had a pretty big earthquake. My entire apartment building swayed, it seemed like I was surfing. It almost felt like a tornado, like the building was going to be swept away. And we had some pretty big aftershocks, one was almost as big as the earthquake. Kitties were so scared, I was trying to reassure them, but I was crying and scared shitless, so they somehow didn't believe me. We even had an aftershock yesterday morning!
I experienced a few earthquakes in Seattle, and I never felt any building shake the way my apartment did. I've sent an email to my landlord asking if this building has ever even been inspected for earthquake safety.
So how is everyone else doing? These are just such strange times. I feel like this is the strangest time in my lifetime for sure.
I'm trying to be really healthy because it helps with my mental health. Back in the day I would have been drinking beer after beer after beer, so it's nice to see growth. Green juice, booch and water are my thing now. Bonus, no hangover!!
Twas the night before the quake and all was well. I made this delicious gochujang stew with rice cakes, a little leftover rice, and my favorite, enoki mushrooms. This was AMAZING and I can't believe I went so long without gochujang and rice cakes in my life! I think I might do all my shopping at the Asian market until things calm down!
I noticed a whole new freezer at the Asian market full of vegan seafood and meats. They have sliced Korean BBQ pork or beef, I can't remember, and all kinds of seafood. The prices are of course higher than tofu, but also way less than beyond, or the Sophie's line of vegan seafood. I want to try either the shrimp or crab, any suggestions as to which one I should try?
Luckily the girls feel safe again, an things are back to business as usual, Cuddle piles for life!


  1. Gosh how scary. I've only ever experienced a minor quake and that was scary enough. Well done on getting through and comforting the girls and Bubba. Yep, these are the strangest times ever. I have to stay in because of my respiratory illness. I'm able to do my office job from home. They shut the office so every one has to. People are trying to keep some humour. Today we had to dress up fancy for work - Fancy Friday and send in a picture to share with the team. It was a good idea as the temptation is to stay in pjs and you definitely feel better getting dressed. Thinking of you over there and sending love xxx

    1. I've been thinking about you and hoping you're keeping safe. This must be extra scary for you. I'm glad you can work from home, and I'm glad you're able to find some humor. I always feel like a good laugh erases some stress and anxiety.
      Thinking of you!

  2. I had a frightening earthquake experience in California, that I never forgot, because it felt like the house was going to fall in. There was nothing to hold onto because everything was shaking. Terrifying! Glad everyone in your home is okay.

    I tried that shrimp over a year ago. It had a weird, almost gummy-like texture. I was able to salvage the package by breading and frying the remaining shrimp with heavy seasoning. Not the healthiest food but better than throwing them away. If the shrimp ingredients haven't changed since last year, maybe go with the vegan shredded crab, and if the texture is off, breaded crab cakes is a similar alternative. Good luck!

    1. Thanks so much for letting me know about the shrimp! I decided to pass on it all. It's more expensive than tofu, an that's my favorite food. I'm pretty picky about textures.
      Maybe someday I will try the crab for like a crab salad or something, but for now until my stomach calms down I'll stick to lentils, tofu and rice!

  3. How scary about the earthquake and all the aftershocks; I'm glad you and the kitties are OK now! That stew looks amazing!

    1. It was so scary! I still feel scared to be honest!

  4. Holy smokes that sounds terrifying. Earthquakes are the last thing you need right now. I am glad you are all OK.
    That cuddle puddle looks like the perfect place to be right now.

    1. OI know, the timimg couldn't be worse. And it's just caused another extra layer of panic to the panic shoppers/hoarders.


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