Monday, March 16, 2020

I Found Groceries!

Last week when I git groceries life was still pretty normal. No one had gone into panic mode. In SLC it seems the panic started Thursday. I was at Winco getting bird and cat food last Wednesday and everything was fine and normal, although it was weird that many dried beans were gone from the bulk bins. Then, I stopped in Friday morning very early and it was shockingly busy for the time, and the shelves were cleared out of so many things.
I went to Sprouts on Saturday, and I kind of thought they wouldn't be as bad. I felt like Sprouts shoppers would be more rational and not panic shop so much. Boy was I WRONG!! It was scary and depressing, an honestly at one point I had a panic attack in the store. I had to really talk myself down.
Oranges,lemons,tofu,peach fizzy water, blackberry kombucha,peanut butter, gluten free bagels, romaine hearts, dragon puffs,mangoes,hummus,gluten free crackers, vegan cream cheese, miyokos scallion cheese, celery, ice cream sandwiches,tofu,coconut milk, clearance vegan shres($1.99) pears, coconut oil crinkle fries and a clearance candle
This is stuff mostly from Sprouts and a few items are from Smith's. I had no list and no rhyme or reason, I just tried to find food I can eat.
On Sunday I decided to go to the Asian market for some gochujang and rice cakes. Also just to see what their shelves are like. I have to say, I'm glad I went because it eased some of my anxiety. Their shelves are well stocked, and they have all the tofu and rice I could ever want or need!
Rice cakes, coconut cream, dried chili flakes, enoki mushrooms, rice, tofu, sriracha, ginger, fried tofu(my fave!!!) gochujang, coconut milk, rice noodles, massaman curry paste, spicy chili sauce
 If you have an Asian market in your area I highly recommend checking them out. Just like we need food, they need business. And it's really helpful if you have anxiety about not being able to find food to feed yourself and your family.
To me, seeing how people are acting and hoarding is much scarier than the virus. I'm not making light of the virus, it's just that this has brought out the worst in so many people.
You guys know I feed the feral neighborhood cats. That's how I met Bubba! Well, this is Al Jr. He's named after another feral cat in Erie I fed who was named Al. They could be twins! He won't let me touch him, but I've gained a little trust over the years! He's a very handsome boy!!!


  1. Do you have a virus survival plan? Can you go over any tips for avoiding close contact with people, like on a bus? Have you heard anything about oregano oil or zinc helping to protect against being infected? Do you wear gloves and a mask when shopping? I don't like watching or listening to the news, because it adds more fear and it's hard to know what to believe. I would so like to hear what you are doing to protect yourself from this terrible virus situation. Thank you.

    1. I don't really have a survival plan to be honest.
      I haven't ridden the bus since this blew up. Last Thursday my job interview was over two miles away and I walked. I generally try mot to tough the rails or anything on the bus. I think I will try my best to avoid public transportation for the near future, but on normal bus riding days I do my best to avoid people in general.
      I don't wear gloves and a mask when I'm out. I don't know that I could find a mask even if I wanted.
      I've been feeling severe anxiety so I've really just been trying to take care and talk myself down.
      Also, I'm really upping my vitamin C intake and trying to eat as healthy as I can because I strongly believe in the power of healthy foods.
      I'm sorry, not much help here. I'm just trying my best to stay sane!!!

  2. God, it's crazy out there! I also had major anxiety when shopping this weekend. Trader Joe's was well-stocked, but the other stores I went to were not. I'm trying to find sushi rice for a recipe, and it seems none exists for sale anywhere!! Not even on Amazon (except for a bag going for $20!). Our Vietnamese market is well-stocked too so that gives me some hope. I just bought what I needed and figure I'll just go back later for more. Ha! I'm just sanitizing my hands and being careful. I think that's all we can do.

    1. That's what I'm trying to do, just get what I need. It's just that I'm scared there won't be more when I need more. People are really being savages!
      It's funny that you mention sushi rice, because when I was at the Asian mart they had a ton of sushi rice!
      Be safe!

  3. Wow, yes, people are in panic mode. I have a few Asian market possibilities if I need to try going to the store again. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Although the Asian market was busier than usual, people seemed less frantic and I didn't feel like I was going to be assaulted!
      Stay safe!

  4. Hi Al! Thankfully I am reasonably well stocked, and shelves are getting better here after being out of almost everything a few weeks ago. But it is such a weird time. I have many Asian grocery stores around me thankfully, so I am happy to support them where I can.

    1. The shelves are so empty here, and it's only getting worse. I'm really scared.
      People are also hoarding pet food, I'm scared I won't be able to feed my cats because even if I wanted to hoard which I don't, I can't afford to. It's a mess.
      I'm glad things are getting better there. It gives me hope.

  5. I'm glad that you had a much better experience at the Asian market; Sprouts sounds like it was a nightmare! I went for groceries on the 10th; I just got my usual stuff and it wasn't too bad then. I didn't go out for groceries this week; I'm just cooking with what I have for now.
    Al Jr. is such a cutie!


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