Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Yes, I will Have some Whine with my Dinner!

Well, today is the first day of Autumn. I used to love fall, but I can't shake the blues this year. Last winter completely traumatized me, and I know what's next. Everyone says well, you can't worry about what's not here yet, and other types of little sayings about living in the "now".  I truly believe in living in the now. I have been working out and grunting and sweating like a pig, drinking so much green juice it's a wonder I don't look like Oscar the grouch, and eating Raw till 4, and on and on in the search for inner happiness. But how can I live in the now when all I hear is how we are in for another terrible, cold, snowy winter? To me, it equals death. There is no life to anything, and when it gets so cold that almost everything shuts down, it feels almost like some kind of apocalyptic t.v. show,  I expect to see snow zombies walking down the street or something. People around my parts love to not only complain about the present, they like to complain about the future also, so it's hard to escape talks of winter. And, stores are starting to say eff bothering with Thanksgiving, let's just put Christmas stuff right next to Halloween stuff. Ahhhh! So as much as I want to turtle head and forget about winter, society won't let me!
One positive thing I've been trying to focus on is that with the temps cooling, I can stand to turn on my stove and oven. I definitely love raw foods, and composing interesting salads, but I really love cooking. One of the best things about being the only human in the house is that I can really let my freak flag fly when it comes to cooking! I checked out the amazing cookbook Appetite for Reduction by Isa Chandra Moskowitz at the library last week, and last night I made Lettuce wraps with Hoisen Mustard Tofu, and wow I can't even put into words how delicious it was! The mustard just added a little something different, and it was spicy, salty, tangy and sweet. I didn't have mirin, so I subbed about 2 teaspoons of sugar with some rice wine vinegar, and it turned out great! And iceburg lettuce really does make a great wrap for food. It's so crisp and clean tasting, that it goes perfectly with the tofu. I don't think I have ever followed on of Isa's recipes and been disappointed, which is important when you are on a strict budget. Most recipes are made for 4-6 people also, which is also a pain when you live alone. But I always find her recipes to use pretty inexpensive, common ingredients, and she likes flavors, and spice.  I've made many things from The Post punk Kitchen blog, and I have always been beyond happy!
I need an attitude adjustment, so today I am grateful that I can cook, I am grateful for amazing cookbook authors, and I'm grateful for the leaves and flowers that are still thriving.

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