Sunday, November 24, 2019

Thrifting, Brewing and Sprouts Haul!

I've been wanting to get back into brewing my own kombucha for awhile now. It's just been a matter of getting to a thrift store so I can find a gallon jug, and getting a scoby. The thrift store that I love and is the closest to me is totally out of the way so I've just been putting it off. Well, yesterday I finally made it and I found two jugs, and I ordered a scoby! By next week, I'll be making my own small batch, local and artisinal booch! (ha)
Aren't they cute? One is a tiny bit bigger than the other, but they're both big enough! My plan is once I make my first batch, and the scoby has produced the little baby scoby, I'll just always have two batches going so I'm never without!!
I also picked up this wood filing cabinet to use as a mini dresser! I've needed a dresser since I've lived in SLC, and I don't own a lot of clothes so this is actually the perfect size. I'm keeping it classy with a shot of the litter box!!
I also made it to Sprouts and got a little haul! I love Sprouts because I feel like I buy more fruits and veg when I shop there, because they just have such great deals!!!

Lemons, granny smith apples, oranges, carrots, cinnamon tea, raspberries, chocolate covered bananas, celery,water kefir, kombucha,fizzy water, romaine, vanilla protein, tofu,potatoes, garlic,avocado, pears, humus, veggie chips

I've been really enjoying these water kefir beverages from GT'S. I've had pineapple peach, pink grapefruit and now this pear ginger. They've all been amazing, but pink grapefruit is my favorite so far. I wish these were as widely available as kombucha, because I like water kefir even more! Maybe I'll have to learn how to make my own!!
Yesterday was Caturday, and Caturdays are for snuggling around here! Of course everyday is cuddle day, especially in the winter!!


  1. Kitty cuddles are the best!
    Sounds like you have had some very successful shopping adventures lately, the cabinet looks great. And those jugs are perfect!

  2. Looks like you've had some good finds; the mini dresser is a great idea!
    Sweet little snugglers!


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