Monday, November 18, 2019

Sprouts Haul, and Some Food, all Vegan!

Coconut oil, chao cheese, poultry seasoning, sage, lantana hummus,gluten free bread, daiya slices, rice noodles, cuties, rice cakes, daiya cheesecake(!!),raspberries, live kombucha soda.peppermint tea, tempeh bacon, avocados, vanilla protein, fyh blue cheese, cassava flour chips, and bogo coconut oil

Thanks to a store coupon, and some in store specials that Sprouts had I got all this for under forty dollars, even with some splurges! When is the last time I've had a daiya cheesecake?
I got the blue container of smart balance thinking it was vegan, but it has palm oil and apparently the D3 is not vegan, so I'm going to be returning it. I was going to use it for grilled cheese, but honestly coconut oil or vegan mayo work just fine.
I am not a huge fan of temeh. There are a few ways I like it, but in general I just prefer tofu. I don't think I've ever had tofurky's tempeh bacon, and I found a box on clearance. I was craving a salad, and I figured that would be a great way to try the tempeh. I tossed some butter lettuce, romaine, shredded carrots and sunflower seeds with a little Italian and fyh blue cheese, and then added some avocado and tempeh bacon. I still prefer tofu, but this tempeh was still pretty tasty with the salad!
I've been experimenting with making my own marinated, baked tofu. The first batch I tried was sriracha, and this batch was sesame soy. I just marinated it in a little tamari and sesame oil and then baked. It came out so firm and almost juicy.Served with what else, rice, veggies and peanut sauce!!
Of course this isn't food, but I found this eco friendly, not tested on animal cleaner at Target. It's pnly $2.49 a bottle, and it works like a dream! I saw a thread on twitter about how the vegan community doesn't discuss the high cost of cleaning products, shampoo, etc. enough, and I could not agree more. It's why sometimes I don't feel like I even belong in the vegan community. But anyway, that's a whole different topic!
This is an affordable option, and this brand has a whole line, dish soap, hand soap, spray cleaners, candles, even toilet paper made from recylcled paper which I use and love!!


  1. Yay!! I love Sprouts! So much cheaper than Whole Foods! And they have good BOGO sales. The tempeh looks awesome on that salad!! And I love the Daiya cheezecakes, though it's been awhile since I've had one either!

    1. I always buy more produce at Sprouts because of the great prices!!
      The daiya cheesecakes are so good, although super rich!!

  2. What a great haul for such a good price!
    I am a tempeh lover, but I know it is not to everyone's taste. I am glad that you had a good experience with it.
    Tofu still has my heart forever.

  3. Impressive haul, dude. Are those raspberries going to find their way to that cheesecake, by any chance?

    Like you, not an enormous fan of tempeh, but the best way I find to enjoy it is to get it nice and crispy (either in a pan or in the oven). Otherwise, it's kind of meh.

    1. The raspberries didn't make it to the cheesecake! I ate one pint just on it's own, and the rest are frozen for smoothies. Raspberries are my all time favorite berry, it's hard for me not to just eat them all!

  4. Your tempeh salad looks amazing! And it sounds like your marinated & baked tofu experiments are going rather well!

    1. I ma loving marinating and baking tofu! It's so much cheaper!
      I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the tempeh!!


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