Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Little Money, So Much Flavor!

I was at Winco the other day looking for veg stock cubes, couldn't find any and saw this. It has the little certified vegan sticker on it so I went for it. WOW, when you open the jar it smells like a head of sweet roasted garlic!!!!
I've made a couple of soups using this and it adds a great flavor!! It's very concentrated so a tiny dab will do!!
Last night I made a smoky split pea and potato soup, and the roasted garlic flavor complimented the smokiness.
I believe I paid around $2.69 give or take for the jar, and like I said a tiny dollop packs a huge punch, so this jar will last FOREVER!!!
I love the baked tofu that's already cooked, and you can eat it right out of the package. Last week I finally tried the sriracha baked tofu from Trader Joe's and of course loved it! I would buy baked tofu all the time if it weren't for the price! So, I have this lovely block of tofu marinating in some sriracha, and today I'm going to bake it and see what I can do! If I succeed I will definitely report back!!


  1. I have never seen anything like roasted garlic bouillon here! It sounds amazing.

  2. The garlic base sounds incredible; I'll have to keep an eye out for it!


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