Monday, January 11, 2016

This and That

I want to start off by thanking everyone again for what I'm sure are kind comments. I still don't feel ready to read and respond. I'm just not in full acceptance mode yet. I still haven't been able to sleep in my bed at night. It's couch city for me. I can't imagine sleeping in bed without Dylan. I know it will all come with time, but that time is not now.
My food for the past week was very plain and boring. I barely remember eating. I just focused on getting through each day.
I have some goals I wanted to talk about for the New Year, so I will plan that post for sometime this week. I was feeling  positive about the New Year, and I'm trying very hard to keep that vibe going. I didn't do any meditating this past week, but I will be starting my second thirty day challenge today.
I know that I am very grateful to the rest of my feline brood for helping me to get through that first week. They've all comforted me in their own little ways.

I couldn't imagine how cold my apartment would feel without Dylan if it were just me. I don't know if I could have even slept here that first night.
I discovered two new delicious dips. I have been eating a lot of crackers and dips this past week. There are times when I knew I needed to give my body something, but there was no way I could eat a meal.
Both of these are made by a local company. More info here. This Baba Ghanoush is out of this world. It has such a deep, smoky flavor that really makes me want more. They make falafel wraps that are really tasty too. If you ever visit Seattle and need a quick snack, look for these.
For the first time in a week I actually cooked something for dinner last night. My first craving was for General Tso's cauliflower of course. I can't help it, I love it so. It was soothing being in the kitchen, and taking that time to prepare something for myself, and it felt nice to actually crave something, and want to eat.
I've been thinking a lot about the Dr. Seuss quote " Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." It's one of my favorites. My life was changed for the better because of Dylan, and nothing can take that away.
I'm dipping my toes back into becoming one of the living, and it's nice to have this blog. It's like the safe, warm baby pool.
Happy Monday, and a belated Happy New Year!


  1. It is amazing how sometimes only certain shows can be 'handled' emotionally.

    1. I know. I tried branching out, and those three shows were all i could handle. I finished The Office, and then cried over missing my friends!

  2. I've just come to check in with your blog and seen this sad, sad news. I'm so sorry for your loss and wish there was something I could do to help. You've been a real inspiration to me since I discovered your blog during Mofo with your positive focus. Sending you love and hugs xxx

  3. And don't worry about responding to comments. Just know that people are thinking about you.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, that means more than I can really say!


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