Friday, January 29, 2016

Boredom Has Settled In

I talked about this mask yesterday that I found on sale at Target, but I hadn't used it yet. I decided to educate myself yesterday. First off, it feels very creamy and natural, like a combination of clay and avocado. It felt very soothing putting it on my face. It has a minty, earthy smell which was also very pleasing. It felt and smelled like I was doing something good for my skin. I left the mask on for around fifteen minutes as directed, and while the mask did dry on my face, it didn't dry in that hard, face pulling, almost painful way. It rinsed off very easily with warm water, and I noticed immediately that my face looked and felt rosy and soft. Even today I reel like my skin looks more hydrated than usual. This is probably my favorite mask I've tried recently. It really does feel like the kind of mask that you would get at a posh spa. I found it at Target, and it was on sale for around six dollars, I believe the sticker said it's normally eight dollars. A little goes a long way, so I feel it's worth it.
That mask was probably far more exciting than my food for the day. I woke up today, which is the fifth day of this cleanse feeling grumpy, and bored, and frustrated. I want to keep it honest, and not pretend like this is easy. It was easy up until today. The first thought I had when I woke up was I'm over it. Time to hang up the peeler. I feel great physically, I am definitely not hungry, or feeling like I'm lacking any nutrients, it's just I am so over potatoes. I feel so mid-western and corn fed. I miss flavors, and spices and textures. Le sigh.
Not sure why this picture is so bad and fuzzy, but this was a really yummy juice I made with carrots, red pepper,orange, and turmeric root. It really hit the spot, and it tasted so sweet and fresh!
I made this chopped salad with lettuce, cucumber and cherry tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes are not good in the winter. They aren't mealy and weird like regular tomatoes, they just lack the pop of flavor with summertime cherry tomatoes. But that Tessemae's balsamic really made up for it. I think that's the best balsamic I've ever had.
For dinner I made these potato cakes with left over mashed potatoes. They were okay. They would be way more delicious when I'm not eating only potatoes.
I want to make a double batch of the sweet potato curry soup I made the other day, and I'm going to experiment a little. I have a bag of unsweetened coconut shreds in my freezer for reasons unknown. I think I was going to do something fun for the holidays, and then Scrooged out. Anyway, I'm going to blend some of the coconut with some water and make my own coconut milk! Waste not want not!
Happy Friday!


  1. I love masks but they can be bad for your skin if you do them so often, and I wear glasses so I always put off using masks because it means no multitasking. But $6 is a sweet deal! The mud mask that I have right now (Mini-Cappuccino-Cocoa Mud Masque by DeVita) is originally like $17!!! I didn't pay that much, it was a free sample when I ordered from their site. Also love the mud masks that are sold at some natural food stores that are a buck, but I can only get two sittings from it.

    1. I love those mud masks too! I usually do a mask once or twice a week, depending on how I feel. I also love to use avocado when I have one that's too soft for eating. I always feel like such a hippie, but they really make your skin soft!

  2. I cant imagine ever getting sick of Potatoes. Fried, Mashed, Souped, is all good. Stick with it for bragging/blogging purposes at least.

    1. That;s the funny thing about it, I am not sick of potatoes at all. I am just bored, but then as soon as I eat some potatoes I feel satisfied. I guess it's all in my mind. But I am definitely sticking with it. I had a good potato day yesterday, so I feel much better today!

  3. Thanks for review of the mask! I'll have to check it out! You are doing a great job on the cleanse! Maybe a veggie heavy day will help you make it through the rest of the time. I think the sweet potato will help too. Having a baked sweet potato with cinnamon for breakfast might be a nice change of pace?

    1. I am definitely going to try a sweet potato with cinnamon, and maybe even a little maple syrup. And yes, a veg heavy day will help a lot. Just having different textures and flavors is a huge help.
      Today I feel much better than yesterday. Thanks for the tips and support!

  4. Can't go wrong with a good balsamic!!!


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