Monday, January 25, 2016

Hot Potato

Last night for dinner I had an old favorite treat, Gardein Mandarin chick'n. It's one of my favorite gardein products. I love the sauce.
These had been lingering in my freezer for far too long. I also decided to go ahead and treat myself to a fun dinner since I am starting an adventure today. I've mentioned before that I like to watch High Carb Hannah on YouTube.  I also really enjoy Life Inside A Box, which is a daily vlog channel that she and her husband do. Anyway, they are both vegans, and as her channel name suggests they follow the starch solution and live happily as high carb low fat vegans. I've been eating a higher carb diet for over a year now and I love it. Anyway, Hannah is starting a potato cleanse, or potato island, or potato diet, however you want to label it. She is going to eat only potatoes for the next ten days. You can have some leafy greens, and low starch, low calorie vegetables like cucumbers and such, but your main calorie source is potatoes. She has a whole facebook group with the rules and people are signed up and joining the challenge.
I read some information online yesterday, including this newsletter, and I have decided to try this for ten days. Although I want to love my body no matter what, the fact is I have been eating healthy and stepping up my exercise game for quite some time now and while I feel great, and I'm sure I've lost some weight and inches, the weight in my middle (the damn beer!) is just not budging, and it is extremely frustrating. It also reminds me of a time in my life when I was so unhappy and so unhealthy. I don't do facebook, so I'm not signing up or anything like that. To be honest I don't even know if I'll make it. I am a person that needs variety in my diet, but at the same time it's only ten days, and this will encourage me to get real creative with potatoes!
My plan is to still have juice every day, and along with potatoes I will have green salads, cucumber slices, etc. I plan on using very little oil, and when I do it will be coconut. I know the facebook group has a list of rules, but I'm doing this thang my own way. I'm kind of joking, from what I understand I'm going to be doing it correctly. I love potatoes, and I always feel super full, and super satisfied after eating them, so I'm feeling pretty optimistic about this challenge. I think I might even take a picture of my mid-section today, and another in ten days to see if I notice a difference. We'll see how I feel later today, I loathe having my picture taken, so this scares me a little, so I might wimp out.
I'm going to go stock up on some spuds later this morning. I'm way more excited by the thought of a potato cleanse than a juice cleanse I can tell you that!
I'm excited to start eating more potatoes, and looking less like one!
Happy Monday!

A little update. I'm in the middle of watching Hanna's newest video, and it seems she has decided to do the potato diet for thirty days! That's so amazing, at first she was going to do ten. I'm sticking with my commitment to ten days, with a maybe on extending it.


  1. I really like High Carb Hannah too and am looking forward to following her journey!! I'm so impressed by her no overt fat results! I can't wait to see what you eat... I don't think I could do it. I think I would get bored! I am looking to move toward starch solution though :)

    1. I am too! I think she's really brave to be so open and show before and afters and all of that. Especially on YouTube where the commenters are very often not very nice!
      I think I'm definitely going to get bored by the end, and to be honest I'm already doubting my choice, but at the same time I have some fun potato recipes to make, so I think I can last at least ten days!

  2. I love Potatoes. I may well have been inadvertantly on her cleanse without even knowing it.

    1. Ha, me too, and I know I;ve done the lentil cleanse before!

  3. For some reason I can't reply above but I totally agree that she is brave for showing her before and afters. People on Youtube are vicious… she has Freelee and Durianrider making videos about her too and I thought she handled that quite gracefully too.

    I think you'll do great! I think the breakfast might be the most difficult but you've got this! We are here for moral support :)

    1. I saw a video yesterday someone who I had never heard of just trashing her on YouTube. It's weird because she doesn't trash other people, and I just don't get it. Vegans trashing vegans is like the craziest concept to me.
      Breakfast is proving to be a challenge. I think I'm going to get some of the Trader Joe's frozen hash browns and have those for breakfast.
      And thanks for the support!

  4. I will have to look into this :) Thanks for all the posts and info and links!


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