Saturday, January 23, 2016

Things to Do With Stuff

I was searching for white vinegar the other day, and I saw a bottle of malt vinegar on the shelf. It reminded me of my days as a youth. At some point in my childhood we moved to a very small town. Like very small. The county fair was a big deal. I loved to ride the super loop, and I loved to get cones of these very skinny fries that still had the skin on, and we would douse them with malt vinegar and salt. Some of my friends would also use ketchup, but I always just liked the vinegar. I lived for those fries every year. So, since I eat a lot of potatoes I decided to pick up a bottle. For breakfast today I made oven fries and doused them with malt  vinegar. Of course it's not exactly the same experience, but pretty close.
Forget Wheaties, this is the breakfast of champions!!

Yesterday I was doing a bunch of different stuff, and before I knew it I needed dinner and had nothing planned, and didn't really feel like cooking. So, I decided to heat up an Amy's frozen veggie burger. As anyone who has eaten Amy's burgers knows, they're a little on the dry side. They definitely lack the juiciness of a gardein, or Beyond Meat burger. So, I baked my burger on a baking sheet, and halfway through I splashed a little liquid smoke, and some vegan worcestershire sauce on top and finished baking. The liquid smoke made it taste kind of like I had grilled it, and the worcestershire sauce gave it some juiciness. I've used this trick on many dry veggie burgers I've made myself.
It's a rainy kind of stay in the kitchen and cook kind of day so I'm going to work on a green chili tomatillo sauce. I got some beautiful tomatillos the other day so lucky me! Hopefully I'll have a recipe tomorrow.
I hope everyone is warm and safe, including animals. My heart breaks for the homeless animals in the areas that are so cold and snowy.
Happy Saturday! Or, I'm sorry I meant to say Caturday!


  1. Your fries look delicious & that sounds like the perfect trick to avoid dry veggie burgers; I'll have to remember that! :D

    1. It really works, especially if you don't want to use oil. And, it adds a nice extra boost of flavor!

  2. Oooh, now i need some malt vinegar! Brilliant idea with your oven fries, i need to do that asap... That's a great fix for the veggie burger.
    What an adorable picture of roxy!!!

    1. I can't believe I waited this long to get malt vinegar! Even though my potato wedges weren't deep fried, they still tasted great with the vinegar.
      Roxy was so irritated with me because I was trying to get the perfect shot of her face, and she was so over it by this point!

  3. I used to love getting the Fries at Thrasher's on the Ocean City, Maryland boardwalk. i dont think they even offered Ketchup, just Malt Vinegar. Good memories.

    1. I know what you mean, it brought back some good memories for me too.

  4. I do that too! Google different things and see what different ways I can use them! Neat!


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